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There are 20 words containing A, D, I, N, 2R, S and W

BREADWINNERSbreadwinners n. Plural of breadwinner.
BREADWINNER n. the person who earns a living for a family.
CHILDRENSWEARchildrenswear n. (Chiefly retail) clothing for children.
CHILDRENSWEAR n. clothes suitable for children.
CHILDRENSWEARSCHILDRENSWEAR n. clothes suitable for children.
CORDWAINERIESCORDWAINERY n. (archaic) the craft of shoemaking.
CORDWAINERScordwainers n. Plural of cordwainer.
CORDWAINER n. (archaic) a shoemaker, also CORDINER.
DINNERWARESdinnerwares n. Plural of dinnerware.
DINNERWARE n. plates etc. used for dinner.
DRAWSTRINGdrawstring n. A string or cord, encased in a fabric tube, with one or more small openings into the tube, on a bag…
DRAWSTRING n. a cord for drawing tight e.g. round a hood.
DRAWSTRINGSdrawstrings n. Plural of drawstring.
DRAWSTRING n. a cord for drawing tight e.g. round a hood.
FIREWARDENSfirewardens n. Plural of firewarden.
FIREWARDEN n. an officer responsible for fire prevention and control in an area, esp. in a forest.
FORWARDINGSforwardings n. Plural of forwarding.
FORWARDING n. the act of sending on e.g. mail.
HANDWRINGERShandwringers n. Plural of handwringer.
HANDWRINGER n. one who wrings his hands.
ROADWORTHINESSroadworthiness n. The property of being roadworthy.
ROADWORTHINESS n. the state of being roadworthy.
UNDERDRAWINGSunderdrawings n. Plural of underdrawing.
UNDERDRAWING n. the act of underdrawing.
WARDENRIESwardenries n. Plural of wardenry.
WARDENRY n. the office of a warden.
WARRANDICESwarrandices n. Plural of warrandice.
WARRANDICE n. a guarantee; a clause in a deed by which the grantor binds himself or herself to make good to the grantee the right conveyed.
WARRANTISEDwarrantised v. Simple past tense and past participle of warrantise.
WARRANTISE v. (archaic) to guarantee the security of (land) to a person, also WARRANTIZE.
WATERBOARDINGSwaterboardings n. Plural of waterboarding.
WATERBOARDING n. a form of torture in which the victim is immobilized and has water poured on his or her face, producing a severe gag reflex, to simulate drowning.
WATERFINDERSWATERFINDER n. one who finds subterranean springs or supplies of water by means of a divining-rod; a dowser.
WINDBREAKERSwindbreakers n. Plural of windbreaker.
WINDBREAKER n. (tradename) a type of windproof jacket with elasticated cuffs and waistband.
WIREDRAWINGSwiredrawings n. Plural of wiredrawing.
WIREDRAWING n. drawing wire by pulling through successively smaller holes in a hard steel die-block.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 541 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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