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There are 18 words containing A, D, 2I, O, T, V and Y

ADVENTITIOUSLYadventitiously adv. In an adventitious manner; sporadically.
ADVENTITIOUS adv. coming from another source; arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location.
CONSIDERATIVELYCONSIDERATIVE adv. thoughtful; prudent; considerate.
CONTRADICTIVELYcontradictively adv. In a contradictive manner.
CONTRADICTIVE adv. contradicting or tending to contradict.
DENOMINATIVELYdenominatively adv. By denomination.
DENOMINATIVE adv. giving a title.
DERIVATIONALLYderivationally adv. In a derivational manner.
derivationally adv. With respect to derivation.
DEVOTIONALITYdevotionality n. The practice of a devotionalist.
DEVOTIONALITY n. the state of being devotional.
DISSOLVABILITYdissolvability n. Capacity of being dissolved; solubility.
DISSOLVABILITY n. the quality of being dissolvable.
DIVINATORYdivinatory adj. Pertaining to divination.
DIVINATORY adj. professing, or relating to, divination.
DORSIVENTRALITYdorsiventrality n. The quality of being dorsiventral.
DORSIVENTRALITY n. the state of being dorsiventral.
NONADDITIVITYnonadditivity n. Without the state or quality of additivity.
NONADDITIVITY n. the state of being nonadditive.
NONVALIDITYnonvalidity n. The state or condition of being nonvalid.
NONVALIDITY n. the state of not being valid.
OXIDATIVELYoxidatively adv. By means of oxidation.
OXIDATIVE adv. relating to oxidation.
PROVIDENTIALLYprovidentially adv. In a providential manner.
PROVIDENTIAL adv. of, relating to, or determined by Providence.
RADIOACTIVELYradioactively adv. Using a radioactive substance.
radioactively adv. Concerning radioactivity.
RADIOACTIVE adv. of, caused by, or exhibiting radioactivity.
RADIOACTIVITYradioactivity n. Spontaneous emission of ionizing radiation as a consequence of a nuclear reaction, or directly from…
radioactivity n. The radiation so emitted; including gamma rays, alpha particles, neutrons, electrons, positrons, etc.
RADIOACTIVITY n. the spontaneous decay of the nucleus of an element.
UNAVOIDABILITYunavoidability n. The state or condition of being unavoidable.
UNAVOIDABILITY n. the quality of being unavoidable.
VINDICATORILYvindicatorily adv. (Rare) In a vindicatory manner; in vindication of someone or something.
VINDICATORY adv. serving or tending to vindicate.
VINDICATORYvindicatory adj. Promoting or producing vindication.
vindicatory adj. Promoting or producing retribution or punishment.
VINDICATORY adj. serving or tending to vindicate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 214 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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