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There are 16 words containing A, D, G, 2I, N, R and W

BIRDWATCHINGbirdwatching n. Observing or identifying wild birds in their natural environment.
birdwatching n. (Slang) The hobby of watching rocket launches.
bird␣watching n. Alternative spelling of birdwatching.
BIRDWATCHINGSBIRDWATCHING n. the occupation of watching birds.
BREADWINNINGbreadwinning n. The earning of a household’s primary income.
BREADWINNING n. the act of earning a living.
BREADWINNINGSBREADWINNING n. the act of earning a living.
HANDWRITINGhandwriting n. The act or process of writing done with the hand, rather than typed or word-processed.
handwriting n. Text that was written by hand.
handwriting n. The characteristic writing of a particular person.
HANDWRITINGShandwritings n. Plural of handwriting.
HANDWRITING n. writing, script; one's style of writing.
HARDWIRINGhardwiring v. Present participle of hardwire.
hard-wiring v. Present participle of hard-wire.
HARDWIRE v. to permanently connect electronic components.
MISAWARDINGmisawarding v. Present participle of misaward.
MISAWARD v. to award wrongly.
MISDRAWINGmisdrawing v. Present participle of misdraw.
misdrawing n. An inaccurate drawing.
MISDRAWING n. the act of misdrawing.
MISDRAWINGSmisdrawings n. Plural of misdrawing.
MISDRAWING n. the act of misdrawing.
RAWHIDINGrawhiding v. Present participle of rawhide.
RAWHIDE v. to beat with a type of whip.
UNWITHDRAWINGunwithdrawing adj. That does not withdraw.
UNWITHDRAWING adj. liberal; lavish.
WIREDRAWINGwiredrawing n. Gerund of wiredraw: the stretching of words, etc. to suit one’s own purposes.
wiredrawing v. Present participle of wiredraw.
WIREDRAWING n. drawing wire by pulling through successively smaller holes in a hard steel die-block.
WIREDRAWINGSwiredrawings n. Plural of wiredrawing.
WIREDRAWING n. drawing wire by pulling through successively smaller holes in a hard steel die-block.
WITHDRAWINGwithdrawing v. Present participle of withdraw.
withdrawing n. Withdrawal.
WITHDRAW v. to move away.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 378 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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