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There are 19 words containing A, D, G, H, 2N and 2R

ANDROGYNOPHOREandrogynophore n. (Botany) A stalk bearing both the androecium and the gynoecium of a flower above the level of insertion…
ANDROGYNOPHORE n. another name for the androphore, a support or column on which stamens are raised.
ANDROGYNOPHORESandrogynophores n. Plural of androgynophore.
ANDROGYNOPHORE n. another name for the androphore, a support or column on which stamens are raised.
GRANDCHILDRENgrandchildren n. Plural of grandchild.
GRANDCHILD n. the child of one's son or daughter.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
GRANDPARENTHOODgrandparenthood n. The state of being a grandparent.
GRANDPARENTHOOD n. the state of being a grandparent.
GROUNDSHARINGgroundsharing v. Present participle of groundshare.
GROUNDSHARE v. to share a sports stadium with another team.
GYNANDROMORPHgynandromorph n. An insect, crustacean or bird literally having physical characteristics of both sexes, usually displaying…
gynandromorph n. A person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes.
GYNANDROMORPH n. an animal having both male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHICgynandromorphic adj. (Of an organism) Having male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHIC adj. of or like a gynandromorph, an animal having both male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHSgynandromorphs n. Plural of gynandromorph.
GYNANDROMORPH n. an animal having both male and female characteristics.
GYNANDROMORPHYgynandromorphy n. Gynandromorphism.
GYNANDROMORPHY n. the state of being gynandromorph, an animal having both male and female characteristics.
HANDWRINGERhandwringer n. A person who clasps and squeezes the hands in an excessive expression of distress.
HANDWRINGER n. one who wrings his hands.
HANDWRINGERShandwringers n. Plural of handwringer.
HANDWRINGER n. one who wrings his hands.
HEARTRENDINGheartrending adj. That causes great grief, anguish or distress.
heartrending adj. That elicits deep sympathy.
heart-rending adj. Alternative form of heartrending.
HEARTRENDINGLYheartrendingly adv. In a heartrending manner.
heart-rendingly adv. In a heart-rending manner.
HEARTRENDING adv. causing great grief.
PREHARDENINGprehardening v. Present participle of preharden.
PREHARDEN v. to harden in advance.
REHARDENINGrehardening v. Present participle of reharden.
REHARDEN v. to harden again.
SCRIMSHANDERINGscrimshandering v. Present participle of scrimshander.
SCRIMSHANDER v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDY, SCRIMSHAW.
SUPERHARDENINGsuperhardening v. Present participle of superharden.
SUPERHARDEN v. to harden to extremes.
UNDERCHARGINGundercharging v. Present participle of undercharge.
UNDERCHARGE v. to charge too little.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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