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There are 13 words containing A, D, E, F, H, I and 2N

FOREHANDINGforehanding v. Present participle of forehand.
FOREHAND v. to play a shot forehand.
HANDFEEDINGhandfeeding v. Present participle of handfeed.
HANDFEED v. to feed with the hand.
UNFASHIONEDunfashioned adj. Not fashioned; unmade, unformed.
unfashioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfashion.
UNFASHIONED adj. not excavated.
ENFRANCHISEDenfranchised v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfranchise.
enfranchised adj. Emancipated.
ENFRANCHISE v. to admit to the privileges of a citizen and esp. to the right of suffrage.
FOUNTAINHEADfountainhead n. A spring that is the source of a river.
fountainhead n. An abundant source of knowledge, etc.
FOUNTAINHEAD n. a spring that is the source of a stream.
UNFRANCHISEDunfranchised adj. Not franchised.
UNFRANCHISED adj. not franchised.
FOUNTAINHEADSfountainheads n. Plural of fountainhead.
FOUNTAINHEAD n. a spring that is the source of a stream.
DISENFRANCHISEdisenfranchise v. (Transitive) To deprive someone of a franchise, generally of the right to vote.
DISENFRANCHISE v. to deprive of a franchise.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
HANDICRAFTSMENhandicraftsmen n. Plural of handicraftsman.
handi-craftsmen n. Plural of handi-craftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
DISENFRANCHISEDdisenfranchised v. Simple past tense and past participle of disenfranchise.
disenfranchised adj. Not represented; especially, not having the right to vote.
DISENFRANCHISE v. to deprive of a franchise.
DISENFRANCHISESdisenfranchises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disenfranchise.
DISENFRANCHISE v. to deprive of a franchise.
STANDOFFISHNESSstandoffishness n. The state, quality, or condition of being standoffish or aloof and unsociable; aloofness.
stand-offishness n. Alternative spelling of standoffishness.
STANDOFFISHNESS n. the state of being standoffish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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