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There are 16 words containing A, D, 2E, I, 2N and X

ALEXANDRINEalexandrine n. (Poetry) A line of poetic meter having twelve syllables, usually divided into two or three equal parts.
alexandrine n. An Alexandrine parrot or parakeet, Psittacula eupatria.
Alexandrine adj. Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian.
ALEXANDRINESalexandrines n. Plural of alexandrine.
ALEXANDRINE n. (French) a French verse form.
DEINDEXATIONdeindexation n. (Finance) The removal of indexation (index-linking of a monetary value).
DEINDEXATION n. the state of being no longer index-linked.
DEINDEXATIONSdeindexations n. Plural of deindexation.
DEINDEXATION n. the state of being no longer index-linked.
DEOXYGENATINGdeoxygenating v. Present participle of deoxygenate.
DEOXYGENATE v. to remove esp. molecular oxygen from.
DEOXYGENATIONdeoxygenation n. The removal of oxygen atoms or molecules from a material.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
DEOXYGENATIONSdeoxygenations n. Plural of deoxygenation.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
DEXFENFLURAMINEdexfenfluramine n. A serotonergic anorectic drug used for weight loss in the 1990s, later withdrawn because of cardiovascular…
DISANNEXEDdisannexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disannex.
DISANNEX v. to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
DISANNEXESdisannexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disannex.
DISANNEX v. to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
EXSANGUINATEDexsanguinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of exsanguinate.
EXSANGUINATE v. to drain blood from.
EXSANGUINEDexsanguined adj. Alternative form of exsanguine.
OVEREXPANDINGoverexpanding v. Present participle of overexpand.
OVEREXPAND v. to expand excessively.
UNEXAMINEDunexamined adj. That which has not been examined.
UNEXAMINED adj. not examined.
UNEXPLAINEDunexplained adj. Not explained; of unknown cause or origin.
UNEXPLAINED adj. not explained.
XENODIAGNOSESxenodiagnoses n. Plural of xenodiagnosis.
XENODIAGNOSIS n. the detection of a parasite (as of humans) by feeding a suitable intermediate host (as an insect) on supposedly infected material (as blood) and later examining the host for the parasite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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