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There are 12 words containing A, D, 2E, G, H and 2L

CANDLELIGHTEDcandlelighted adj. Candlelit.
CANDLELIGHTED adj. illuminated by candles, also CANDLELIT.
CANDLELIGHTERcandlelighter n. A person who lights candles.
candlelighter n. A spill used for lighting candles.
CANDLELIGHTER n. one who lights the candles for a ceremony.
CANDLELIGHTERScandlelighters n. Plural of candlelighter.
CANDLELIGHTER n. one who lights the candles for a ceremony.
CHALLENGEDchallenged adj. (Euphemistic) Lacking some physical or mental attribute or skill ; used after adverbs to make politically…
challenged adj. (Humorous) Used following adverbs to make adjectives in imitation of and mocking adjectives of this kind.
challenged v. Simple past tense and past participle of challenge.
GLUTARALDEHYDEglutaraldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) The aliphatic dialdehyde pentane-1,5-dial, a toxic liquid with a pungent odor.
GLUTARALDEHYDE n. a compound that contains two aldehyde groups and is used esp. in tanning leather and in the fixation of biological tissues.
GLUTARALDEHYDESglutaraldehydes n. Plural of glutaraldehyde.
GLUTARALDEHYDE n. a compound that contains two aldehyde groups and is used esp. in tanning leather and in the fixation of biological tissues.
GLYCERALDEHYDEglyceraldehyde n. (Biochemistry) The aldotriose 2,3-dihydroxypropanal formed by oxidation of glycerol.
GLYCERALDEHYDE n. a sweet crystalline compound that is formed as an intermediate in carbohydrate metabolism.
GLYCERALDEHYDESglyceraldehydes n. Plural of glyceraldehyde.
GLYCERALDEHYDE n. a sweet crystalline compound that is formed as an intermediate in carbohydrate metabolism.
JELLYGRAPHEDjellygraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jellygraph.
JELLYGRAPH v. to copy by jellygraph, an old device for copying that used a plate of jelly.
LIGHTHEARTEDLYlightheartedly adv. In a lighthearted manner, cheerfully, with joy.
light-heartedly adv. Alternative form of lightheartedly.
LIGHTHEARTED adv. free from care.
RECHALLENGEDrechallenged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rechallenge.
RECHALLENGE v. to challenge again.
UNCHALLENGEDunchallenged adj. Not having any challengers.
unchallenged adj. Lacking experience due to lack of challenges; untested.
UNCHALLENGED adj. not challenged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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