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There are 20 words containing A, 2D, I, L, O, P and T

DEDUPLICATIONdeduplication n. (Computing) The elimination of redundant duplicate data.
deduplication n. (Biology) The division of that which is morphologically one organ into two or more, such as the division…
DEDUPLICATION n. the act of deduplicating.
DEDUPLICATIONSdeduplications n. Plural of deduplication.
DEDUPLICATION n. the act of deduplicating.
DEOPPILATEDdeoppilated v. Simple past tense and past participle of deoppilate.
DEOPPILATE v. to free from obstruction.
DILAPIDATIONdilapidation n. The state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined.
dilapidation n. (Law) The act of dilapidating, damaging a building or structure through neglect or intentionally.
dilapidation n. (Britain, law) Ecclesiastical waste: impairing of church property by an incumbent, through neglect or intentionally.
DILAPIDATIONSdilapidations n. Plural of dilapidation.
DILAPIDATION n. the state of being dilapidated.
DILAPIDATORdilapidator n. One who dilapidates; a person causing dilapidation.
DILAPIDATOR n. an agent that dilapidates.
DILAPIDATORSdilapidators n. Plural of dilapidator.
DILAPIDATOR n. an agent that dilapidates.
DIPLOMATEDdiplomated v. Simple past tense and past participle of diplomate.
DIPLOMATE v. to invest with a degree or title by diploma.
DIPLOMATISEDdiplomatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of diplomatise.
DIPLOMATISE v. to practise, or bring about by, diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIZE.
DIPLOMATIZEDdiplomatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of diplomatize.
DIPLOMATIZE v. to practise, or bring about by, diplomacy, also DIPLOMATISE.
DISAPPOINTEDLYdisappointedly adv. In a disappointed manner.
DISAPPOINTED adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
FELDSPATHOIDfeldspathoid n. (Mineralogy) Any of a small group of igneous, plutonic, and volcanic minerals formed in magma that did…
feldspathoid adj. (Mineralogy) Resembling a feldspar.
FELDSPATHOID n. any mineral of a group related to feldspar, also FELSPATHOID, FOID.
FELDSPATHOIDSfeldspathoids n. Plural of feldspathoid.
FELDSPATHOID n. any mineral of a group related to feldspar, also FELSPATHOID, FOID.
PHOTODUPLICATEDphotoduplicated adj. Photocopied.
PHOTODUPLICATE v. to duplicate by photocopier.
POSTDEADLINEpostdeadline adj. After a deadline.
POSTDEADLINE adj. following a deadline.
RADIOTELEPHONEDradiotelephoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiotelephone.
RADIOTELEPHONE v. to telephone (someone) by wireless telephony.
STADHOLDERSHIPstadholdership n. Alternative spelling of stadtholdership.
STADHOLDERSHIP n. the office of stadholder, a Dutch viceroy or provincial governor, also STADHOLDERATE, STADTHOLDERATE, STADTHOLDERSHIP.
STADHOLDERSHIPSstadholderships n. Plural of stadholdership.
STADHOLDERSHIP n. the office of stadholder, a Dutch viceroy or provincial governor, also STADHOLDERATE, STADTHOLDERATE, STADTHOLDERSHIP.
STADTHOLDERSHIPstadtholdership n. (Historical) The office or rank of a stadtholder.
SUPERADDITIONALsuperadditional adj. Being a superaddition; added on top of a previous addition.
SUPERADDITIONAL adj. added over and above.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 514 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 29 words

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