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There are 18 words containing A, 2D, H, N, O, S and T

SHORTHANDEDshorthanded adj. Lacking sufficient staff or people, as for normal or efficient operations.
shorthanded adj. Having less than a quorum.
shorthanded adj. (Team sports) Having, or occurring during an interval with, fewer than a full complement of players…
DEHYDRATIONSdehydrations n. Plural of dehydration.
DEHYDRATION n. loss or withdrawal of moisture.
DOWNDRAUGHTSdowndraughts n. Plural of downdraught.
DOWNDRAUGHT n. a downward movement of air, also DOWNDRAFT.
DREADNOUGHTSdreadnoughts n. Plural of dreadnought.
DREADNOUGHT n. a large battleship; a garment of heavy woollen cloth, also DREADNAUGHT.
THOUSANDFOLDthousandfold adj. Multiplied by one thousand (1000), repeated a thousand times.
thousandfold adj. Having one thousand parts or members.
thousandfold adv. By a factor of a thousand.
DODECAPHONISTdodecaphonist n. (Music) A practitioner or proponent of dodecaphony, i.e. use of the dodecaphonic musical scale, which…
DODECAPHONIST n. a composer or admirer of twelve-tone music.
HOTHEADEDNESShotheadedness n. The state or characteristic of being hotheaded; the tendency to be easily infuriated or provoked.
hot-headedness n. Alternative spelling of hotheadedness.
HOTHEADED n. rash, impetuous.
RHODOMONTADESrhodomontades n. Plural of rhodomontade.
RHODOMONTADE v. to boast, rant, also RODOMONTADE.
THOUSANDFOLDSthousandfolds n. Plural of thousandfold.
THOUSANDFOLD n. a thousand times as much.
DEHYDROGENATESdehydrogenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dehydrogenate.
DEHYDROGENATE v. to remove the hydrogen from.
DODECAPHONISTSdodecaphonists n. Plural of dodecaphonist.
DODECAPHONIST n. a composer or admirer of twelve-tone music.
SOFTHEADEDNESSsoftheadedness n. The quality of being softheaded.
SOFTHEADEDNESS n. the state of being softheaded.
AZIDOTHYMIDINESazidothymidines n. Plural of azidothymidine.
AZIDOTHYMIDINE n. a derivative of thymidine.
COLDHEARTEDNESScoldheartedness n. Alternative spelling of cold-heartedness.
cold-heartedness n. The state of being cold-hearted.
COLDHEARTED n. marked by lack of sympathy, interest, or sensitivity.
CROTONALDEHYDEScrotonaldehydes n. Plural of crotonaldehyde.
CROTONALDEHYDE n. a pungent liquid aldehyde obtained by dehydration of aldol.
DOWNHEARTEDNESSdownheartedness n. The characteristic of being downhearted; sadness.
down-heartedness n. Alternative form of downheartedness.
DOWNHEARTED n. downcast, dejected.
HYDRODYNAMICISThydrodynamicist n. One who studies hydrodynamics.
HYDRODYNAMICIST n. a student of hydrodynamics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 683 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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