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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, D, E, I, O, R, S and T

ADROITESTadroitest adj. Superlative form of adroit: most adroit.
ADROIT adj. skilful.
AMORTISEDamortised v. Simple past tense and past participle of amortise.
AMORTISE v. to liquidate gradually, as a debt, also AMORTIZE.
ASTEROIDSasteroids n. Plural of asteroid.
ASTEROID n. a rocky object, a type of celestial body.
DERATIONSderations v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deration.
DERATION v. to free from rationing.
DEVIATORSdeviators n. Plural of deviator.
DEVIATOR n. one who deviates.
ERGATOIDSergatoids n. Plural of ergatoid.
ERGATOID n. a wingless but sexually perfect worker.
ESTRADIOLestradiol n. (American spelling, biochemistry, pharmacology) A natural estrogenic hormone that is a phenolic alcohol…
ESTRADIOL n. a natural estrogenic hormone.
IDOLATERSidolaters n. Plural of idolater.
IDOLATER n. one that worships idols, also IDOLATOR.
MEDIATORSmediators n. Plural of mediator.
MEDIATOR n. one who mediates.
NOTARISEDnotarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of notarise.
NOTARISE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARIZE.
ORDINATESordinates n. Plural of ordinate.
ordinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ordinate.
ORDINATE v. to subject to (statistical) ordination.
OUTRAISEDoutraised v. Simple past tense and past participle of outraise.
OUTRAISE v. to surpass in raising.
PAROTIDESPAROTIS n. (Greek) the parotid gland, near the ear, also PAROTID.
SOREDIATEsorediate adj. (Botany) Pertaining to or characterized by the presence of many soredia.
SOREDIATE adj. bearing soredia, small vegetative reproduction bodies in lichen.
STEROIDALsteroidal adj. (Biochemistry) Of, being, or derived from a steroid.
STEROIDAL adj. relating to steroids.
STORIATEDstoriated adj. Decorated with storiation.
STORIATED adj. decorated with elaborate ornamental designs, also HISTORIATED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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