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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing A, D, E, H, L, N and 2O

AEROHYDROPLANESAEROHYDROPLANE n. a winged hydroplane or flying-boat.
CHLAMYDOMONADESCHLAMYDOMONAS n. a member of the genus Chlamydomonas of (mainly freshwater) green algae.
CHLORTHALIDONESCHLORTHALIDONE n. a diuretic used in the treatment of oedema, hypertension, and diabetes insipidus.
CROTONALDEHYDEScrotonaldehydes n. Plural of crotonaldehyde.
CROTONALDEHYDE n. a pungent liquid aldehyde obtained by dehydration of aldol.
DECHLORINATIONSdechlorinations n. Plural of dechlorination.
DECHLORINATION n. the act of dechlorinating.
DICHLOROETHANESdichloroethanes n. Plural of dichloroethane.
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANEdichloromethane n. (Organic chemistry) The partially halogenated hydrocarbon CH2Cl2 widely used as a solvent.
DICHLOROMETHANE n. a noxious colourless liquid widely used as a solvent, e.g. in paint strippers.
FOOLHARDINESSESfoolhardinesses n. Plural of foolhardiness.
FOOLHARDINESS n. the state of being foolhardy.
HYDROCORALLINESHYDROCORALLINE n. a member the Hydrozoa, which includes millepores etc.
LYMPHOADENOMATALYMPHOADENOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands, aka Hodgkin's disease.
MONOCHLAMYDEOUSmonochlamydeous adj. (Botany) Having a single floral envelope, that is, a calyx without a corolla, or, possibly, in rare…
MONOCHLAMYDEOUS adj. having a one-whorled perianth.
NONHOSPITALISEDnonhospitalised adj. Alternative spelling of nonhospitalized.
NONHOSPITALISED adj. not hospitalised, also NONHOSPITALIZED.
NONHOSPITALIZEDnonhospitalized adj. Not hospitalized.
NONHOSPITALIZED adj. not hospitalized, also NONHOSPITALISED.
POLYCHLORINATEDpolychlorinated adj. (Chemistry) Having many hydrogen atoms replaced by chlorine.
POLYCHLORINATED adj. as in polychlorinated biphenyl.
RADIOTELEPHONEDradiotelephoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiotelephone.
RADIOTELEPHONE v. to telephone (someone) by wireless telephony.
RADIOTELEPHONESradiotelephones n. Plural of radiotelephone.
radio-telephones n. Plural of radio-telephone.
RADIOTELEPHONE v. to telephone (someone) by wireless telephony.
RADIOTELEPHONICradiotelephonic adj. Relating to radiotelephones.
RADIOTELEPHONIC adj. relating to the radiotelephone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 220 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 7 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 19 words

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