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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing A, D, H, 2I, L, N and T

ANTICHLAMYDIALantichlamydial adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against chlamydia.
antichlamydial n. Such a drug.
ANTIDIARRHEALSantidiarrheals n. Plural of antidiarrheal.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
ANTIDIARRHOEALantidiarrhoeal adj. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhoeal n. Alternative spelling of antidiarrheal.
antidiarrhœal adj. Obsolete form of antidiarrheal.
DECHLORINATINGdechlorinating v. Present participle of dechlorinate.
dechlorinating adj. That leads to dechlorination.
DECHLORINATE v. to remove chlorine from.
DECHLORINATIONdechlorination n. The removal of chlorine from water that has been chlorinated.
dechlorination n. (Chemistry) Any reaction in which chlorine atoms are removed from a molecule.
DECHLORINATION n. the act of dechlorinating.
DIACATHOLICONSdiacatholicons n. Plural of diacatholicon.
DIACATHOLICON n. (obsolete) a purgative electuary, the drug being mixed with honey or syrup.
DIMETHYLAMINESdimethylamines n. Plural of dimethylamine.
DIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas derived from ammonia with two methyl groups replacing two hydrogen atoms.
DISENTHRALLINGdisenthralling v. Present participle of disenthral.
DISENTHRALL v. to release from a state of enthralment, also DISENTHRAL, DISINTHRAL.
DISINTHRALLINGdisinthralling v. Present participle of disinthral.
DISINTHRALLING n. the act of releasing from a state of enthralment.
ENCEPHALITIDESencephalitides n. Plural of encephalitis.
ENCEPHALITIS n. inflammation of the brain.
HAEMODILUTIONShaemodilutions n. Plural of haemodilution.
HAEMODILUTION n. an increase in the fluid content of blood leading to a lower concentration of red blood cells, also HEMODILUTION.
HEDONISTICALLYhedonistically adv. In a hedonistic manner.
HEDONISTIC adv. following the doctrines of hedonism, that avoidance of pain is the supreme good.
HEXACTINELLIDShexactinellids n. Plural of hexactinellid.
HEXACTINELLID n. a kind of six-rayed sponge.
HYDROKINETICALhydrokinetical adj. Synonym of hydrokinetic.
HYDROKINETICAL adj. of or relating to the motions of fluids or the forces which produce or affect such motions, also HYDROKINETIC.
LYMPHANGITIDESlymphangitides n. Plural of lymphangitis.
LYMPHANGITIS n. inflammation of a lymphatic vessel.
MULTITHREADINGmultithreading n. (Computing) The use of multithreaded code.
MULTITHREADING n. a programming system that enables actions to be carried out simultaneously.
PHILANTHROPOIDphilanthropoid n. (Informal) An administrative employee at a philanthropic organisation.
PHILANTHROPOID n. a person who works for a philanthropic organization.
QUADRILLIONTHSquadrillionths n. Plural of quadrillionth.
QUADRILLIONTH n. one of a quadrillion equal parts.
STICKHANDLINGSSTICKHANDLING n. the act of manoeuvring (the puck) deftly in ice hockey.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 37 words

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