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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, 2E, L, P and 2S

ADAPTABLENESSadaptableness n. The state or quality of being adaptable; adaptability.
ADAPTABLENESS n. the state of being adaptable.
APFELSTRUDELSapfelstrudels n. Plural of apfelstrudel.
APFELSTRUDEL n. (German) apple strudel.
DECAPITALISESdecapitalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decapitalise.
DECAPITALISE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALIZE.
DEPERSONALISEdepersonalise v. Alternative spelling of depersonalize.
DEPERSONALISE v. to take away the characteristics or personality of, also DEPERSONALIZE.
DESULPHURATESdesulphurates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of desulphurate.
DESULPHURATE v. to remove sulphur from.
DEUTEROPLASMSDEUTEROPLASM n. the food material, such as yolk or fat, within an egg or cell.
DISPLACEMENTSdisplacements n. Plural of displacement.
DISPLACEMENT n. the act of displacing.
DISPLEASANTEDDISPLEASANT v. to render unpleasing.
DISSEPIMENTALdissepimental adj. Relating to a dissepiment.
DISSEPIMENTAL adj. relating to a dissepiment, a partition in an ovary.
EPANADIPLOSESEPANADIPLOSIS n. a figure by which a sentence begins and ends with the same word, e.g. 'Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice'.
INDISPENSABLEindispensable adj. (Ecclesiastical, obsolete) Not admitting ecclesiastical dispensation; not subject to release or exemption;…
indispensable adj. (Of duties, rules etc.) Unbendable, that cannot be set aside or ignored.
indispensable adj. Absolutely necessary or requisite; that one cannot do without.
KALEIDOSCOPESkaleidoscopes n. Plural of kaleidoscope.
KALEIDOSCOPE n. a variegated changing pattern or scene.
LAPIDESCENCESlapidescences n. Plural of lapidescence.
LAPIDESCENCE n. (archaic) becoming like a stone.
PSEUDOALLELESpseudoalleles n. Plural of pseudoallele.
PSEUDOALLELE n. a false allele.
SPEEDBALLINGSSPEEDBALLING n. the practice of taking cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.
STEEPLECHASEDsteeplechased v. Simple past tense and past participle of steeplechase.
STEEPLECHASE v. to ride in such a race.
SYNADELPHITESSYNADELPHITE n. a manganese aluminium arsenate.
TRADESPEOPLEStradespeoples n. Plural of tradespeople.
TRADESPEOPLE n. people engaged in trade.
UNSPECIALISEDunspecialised adj. Alternative spelling of unspecialized.
UNSPECIALISED adj. not specialised, also UNSPECIALIZED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 113 words
  • Scrabble in French: 86 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 315 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 21 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 24 words

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