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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, 2E, I, M, O and U

AMBIDEXTEROUSambidexterous adj. Misspelling of ambidextrous.
AMBIDEXTEROUS adj. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTROUS.
DECAMETHONIUMdecamethonium n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of decamethonium bromide.
DECAMETHONIUM n. a type of muscle relaxant.
DEMAGOGUERIESdemagogueries n. Plural of demagoguery.
DEMAGOGUERY n. the actions of a demagogue.
DEUTEROGAMIESDEUTEROGAMY n. a second marriage after the death of the first spouse, also DIGAMY.
DEUTEROGAMISTdeuterogamist n. (Theology, law) A practicer or supporter of deuterogamy.
DEUTEROGAMIST n. someone who remarries after a spouse's death, also DIGAMIST.
DOCUMENTARIESdocumentaries n. Plural of documentary.
DOCUMENTARY n. a program about real things.
DOCUMENTARISEdocumentarise v. Alternative form of documentarize.
DOCUMENTARISE v. to make into a documentary, also DOCUMENTARIZE.
EUDAEMONISTICeudaemonistic adj. Of or pertaining to eudaemonism.
EUDAEMONISTIC adj. relating to eudaemonism, the theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal wellbeing, also EUDAEMONISTICAL, EUDEMONISTIC, EUDEMONISTICAL.
EUDIOMETRICALeudiometrical adj. Of or relating to eudiometry.
EUDIOMETRICAL adj. relating to a eudiometer, also EUDIOMETRIC.
MEDICAMENTOUSmedicamentous adj. Having the properties of medicament; medicinal.
MEDICAMENTOUS adj. having the nature of a medicament.
MISDEMEANOURSmisdemeanours n. Plural of misdemeanour.
MISDEMEANOUR n. in UK formerly, a crime less serious than a felony, also MISDEMEANOR.
MOUNTAINEEREDmountaineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of mountaineer.
MOUNTAINEER v. to climb mountains.
NEMATODIRUSESNEMATODIRUS n. any of a genus of parasitic nematode worms found in the intestines of mammals.
SEMIAUTOMATEDsemiautomated v. Simple past tense and past participle of semiautomate.
semiautomated adj. Partly automated.
SEMIAUTOMATED adj. partially automated.
UNDOMESTICATEundomesticate v. (Transitive) To free from domestication; to make wild or roving.
UNDOMESTICATE v. to make not domesticated.
UNMETABOLISEDunmetabolised adj. Alternative spelling of unmetabolized.
UNMETABOLISED adj. not metabolised, also UNMETABOLIZED.
UNMETABOLIZEDunmetabolized adj. Not metabolized.
UNMETABOLIZED adj. not metabolized, also UNMETABOLISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 102 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 58 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 50 words

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