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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, D, I, N, R, S, T and Y

AGROINDUSTRYagroindustry n. The agricultural activity of an area viewed as an industrial sector of the economy.
AGROINDUSTRY n. the agricultural industry.
DEHYDRATIONSdehydrations n. Plural of dehydration.
DEHYDRATION n. loss or withdrawal of moisture.
DISCORDANTLYdiscordantly adv. In a discordant manner.
DISCORDANT adv. being at variance.
DISCREPANTLYdiscrepantly adv. In a conflicting or discordant manner.
DISCREPANT adv. marked by disagreement, incompatibility, or inconsistency.
DISENTRAYLEDDISENTRAYLE v. (Spenser) to disembowel, remove the entrails, also DISENTRAIL.
DISENTRAYLESDISENTRAYLE v. (Spenser) to disembowel, remove the entrails, also DISENTRAIL.
DISPENSATORYdispensatory adj. Granting, or authorized to grant, dispensations.
dispensatory n. (Pharmacy, pharmacology) A book containing a systematic description of drugs and of preparations made from them.
DISPENSATORY adj. granting dispensation.
HYDRASTININEhydrastinine n. (Organic chemistry) A semisynthetic alkaloid resulting from the hydrolysis of hydrastine.
HYDRASTININE n. a colourless crystalline water-soluble compound whose pharmacological action resembles that of hydrastine.
INDUSTRIALLYindustrially adv. In an industrial manner.
industrially adv. Concerning industry.
INDUSTRIAL adv. related to industry.
LARYNGITIDESlaryngitides n. Plural of laryngitis.
LARYNGITIS n. inflammation of the larynx.
REHYDRATIONSrehydrations n. Plural of rehydration.
REHYDRATION n. the act of rehydrating.
RESIDENTIARYresidentiary adj. Of, pertaining to, or having residence, especially official residence.
residentiary n. A canon who has an official residence.
RESIDENTIARY n. an inhabitant; a person bound to reside, such as a canon.
RESTRAINEDLYrestrainedly adj. In a restrained way; with restraint.
RESTRAINED adv. RESTRAIN, to hold back.
STRIDULANTLYstridulantly adv. In a stridulant manner.
STRIDULANT adv. stridulating.
TRYPANOCIDEStrypanocides n. Plural of trypanocide.
TRYPANOCIDE n. a drug that kills trypanosomes.
TYRANNICIDEStyrannicides n. Plural of tyrannicide.
TYRANNICIDE n. the killing or killer of a tyrant.
VINEYARDISTSvineyardists n. Plural of vineyardist.
VINEYARDIST n. one who owns a vineyard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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