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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, D, 3I, 2N and O

ANTIDILUTIONantidilution adj. (Finance) Preventing share dilution.
ANTIDILUTION adj. opposed to dilution.
DEFINITIONALdefinitional adj. Of or relating to a definition.
definitional adj. Used to define something.
DEFINITIONAL adj. relating to the act of definition.
DEIONISATIONdeionisation n. (Chemistry) Alternative spelling of deionization.
DEIONISATION n. the process of deionising, also DEIONIZATION.
DEIONIZATIONdeionization n. (Chemistry) The use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solution.
deionization n. (Chemistry) The return of an ionized gas to its neutral state.
DEIONIZATION n. the process of deionizing, also DEIONISATION.
DIPRIONIDIANdiprionidian adj. (Paleontology, of a graptolite) Having a polyparium with a row of cells on each side.
DIPRIONIDIAN adj. of graptolites, serrated on both sides.
DISANOINTINGdisanointing v. Present participle of disanoint.
DISANOINT v. to undo the anointing or consecration of.
DISINFLATIONdisinflation n. (Economics) A decrease in the inflation rate.
disinflation n. (Economics) Deflation.
DISINFLATION n. a reversal of inflationary pressures.
DIVINISATIONdivinisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of divinization.
DIVINISATION n. the process of divinising, also DIVINIZATION.
DIVINIZATIONdivinization n. The act or process of making divine.
DIVINIZATION n. the process of divinizing, also DIVINISATION.
INDICATIONALindicational adj. Relating to indication.
INDICATIONAL adj. of the nature of an indication.
INDIGNATIONSindignations n. Plural of indignation.
INDIGNATION n. anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean, also INDIGNANCE.
INORDINACIESinordinacies n. Plural of inordinacy.
INORDINACY n. the quality of being inordinate.
INORDINATIONinordination n. (Obsolete) Deviation from custom, rule, or right; irregularity.
INORDINATION n. deviation from rule; irregularity.
INTIMIDATIONintimidation n. The act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by threats; the state of being intimidated.
INTIMIDATION n. the act of intimidating.
INVALIDATIONinvalidation n. The act of invalidating, or the state of being invalidated.
INVALIDATION n. the act of invalidating.
NICOTINAMIDEnicotinamide n. (Biochemistry, organic chemistry) The amide of nicotinic acid (or niacin).
NICOTINAMIDE n. a member of the vitamin B complex, deficiency of which can lead to the development of the disease pellagra.
NIDIFICATIONnidification n. The building of a nest.
NIDIFICATION n. the act, process or technique of building a nest.
SCINCOIDIANSScincoidians n. Plural of Scincoidian.
SCINCOIDIAN n. a member of the skink family.
VINDICATIONSvindications n. Plural of vindication.
VINDICATION n. an act of vindicating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 193 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 55 words

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