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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, D, G, I, L, O, R and T

ANDROLOGISTSandrologists n. Plural of andrologist.
ANDROLOGIST n. a student of andrology.
CARDIOLOGISTcardiologist n. A physician who specializes in medical problems related to the heart.
CARDIOLOGIST n. a practitioner of cardiology.
CHLORIDATINGchloridating v. Present participle of chloridate.
CHLORIDATE v. to treat or prepare with a chloride, as a plate with chloride of silver, for the purposes of photography.
DECOLORATINGdecolorating v. Present participle of decolorate.
DECOLORATE v. to deprive of color.
DEFLAGRATIONdeflagration n. The act of deflagrating; an intense fire; a conflagration or explosion. Specifically, combustion that…
DEFLAGRATION n. the rapid burning away of anything in a destructive fire.
DEREGULATIONderegulation n. The process of removing constraints, especially government-imposed economic regulation.
DEREGULATION n. the act of removing restrictions and regulations.
DERMATOLOGICdermatologic adj. Dermatological.
DERMATOLOGIC adj. relating to dermatology, also DERMATOLOGICAL.
DEROGATIVELYderogatively adv. In a derogative way or manner: derogatorily.
DEROGATIVE adv. derogatory.
DEROGATORILYderogatorily adv. In a derogatory manner.
DEROGATORY adv. detracting, injurious.
DIGLADIATORSDIGLADIATOR n. one who fights with swords.
EDULCORATINGedulcorating v. Present participle of edulcorate.
EDULCORATE v. to make pleasant, sweeten.
FLUORIDATINGfluoridating v. Present participle of fluoridate.
FLUORIDATE v. to add fluoride to drinking water.
GLADIATORIALgladiatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a gladiator.
GLADIATORIAL adj. of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAN, GLADIATORY.
GLADIATORIANgladiatorian adj. (Dated) Of or relating to gladiators or to combat in general; gladiatorial.
GLADIATORIAN adj. (obsolete) of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAL, GLADIATORY.
IDOLATRISINGidolatrising v. Present participle of idolatrise.
IDOLATRISE v. to worship as an idol, to adore, also IDOLATRIZE.
IDOLATRIZINGidolatrizing v. Present participle of idolatrize.
IDOLATRIZE v. to worship idols; to pay idolatrous worship, also IDOLATRISE.
LITHOGRAPHEDlithographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lithograph.
lithographed adj. Depicted in the form of a lithograph.
LITHOGRAPH v. to produce by lithography.
RADIOLOGISTSradiologists n. Plural of radiologist.
RADIOLOGIST n. a physician specializing in medical radiology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 70 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 132 words

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