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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, D, I, N, R, S, T and Y

ARYTAENOIDSarytaenoids n. Plural of arytaenoid.
ARYTAENOID n. one of a pair of cartilages or muscles of the larynx, also ARYTENOID.
DESIGNATORYdesignatory adj. Serving to designate.
DESIGNATORY adj. serving to designate, also DESIGNATIVE.
DISENTRAYLEDISENTRAYLE v. (Spenser) to disembowel, remove the entrails, also DISENTRAIL.
DYNAMITARDSdynamitards n. Plural of dynamitard.
DYNAMITARD n. (archaic) a user of dynamite esp. for political purposes, also DYNAMITER.
GRANDIOSITYgrandiosity n. The state of being grandiose (pompous or pretentious).
GRANDIOSITY n. the state of being grandiose.
HYDRASTINESHYDRASTINE n. a white poisonous alkaloid extracted from the roots of the goldenseal, which has been used in medicine to contract the uterus and arrest haemorrhage.
PANTRYMAIDSpantrymaids n. Plural of pantrymaid.
PANTRYMAID n. a maid in charge of a pantry.
PREDYNASTICpredynastic adj. Before the time of a dynasty.
PREDYNASTIC adj. belonging to the period before a dynasty.
SEDENTARILYsedentarily adv. In a sedentary way.
SEDENTARY adv. sitting; living in a fixed location.
SEDIMENTARYsedimentary adj. (Geology, of a rock) Made by the deposition and compression of small particles.
sedimentary n. A rock of this kind.
SEDIMENTARY adj. relating to or composed of sediment.
SEDITIONARYseditionary n. An inciter or promoter of sedition; a seditionist.
seditionary adj. Constituting or relating to sedition.
SEDITIONARY n. one who promotes sedition.
STIPENDIARYstipendiary adj. Receiving a stipend.
stipendiary n. One who receives a stipend.
STIPENDIARY n. one who receives a stipend.
SUPERDAINTYsuperdainty adj. (Rare) Very dainty.
SUPERDAINTY adj. extremely dainty.
SYNDICATORSsyndicators n. Plural of syndicator.
SYNDICATOR n. one who syndicates.
TESTUDINARYTESTUDINARY adj. like a tortoiseshell or testudo, also TESTUDINAL, TESTUDINEOUS.
UNBIRTHDAYSunbirthdays n. Plural of unbirthday.
UNBIRTHDAY n. a day other than one's birthday.
VINEYARDISTvineyardist n. One who cultivates a vineyard.
VINEYARDIST n. one who owns a vineyard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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