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There are 17 words containing A, C, 2P, 2S, T and U

SUPPLICATSsupplicats n. Plural of supplicat.
SUPPLICAT n. in English universities, a petition.
SUPPLICANTSsupplicants n. Plural of supplicant.
SUPPLICANT n. one who supplicates, also SUPPLIANT.
SUPPLICATESsupplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supplicate.
SUPPLICATE v. to entreat for.
SUPERPLASTICsuperplastic adj. Exhibiting superplasticity.
superplastic n. A superplastic substance.
SUPERPLASTIC adj. capable of plastic deformation under low stress at an elevated temperature.
SUPPLICAVITSsupplicavits n. Plural of supplicavit.
SUPPLICAVIT n. formerly, a writ issued by the King's Bench or Chancery for taking the surety of the peace against a person.
SUPPORTANCESSUPPORTANCE n. (Shakespeare) support.
SEPTUPLICATESseptuplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of septuplicate.
SEPTUPLICATE n. a group of seven things.
STREPTOCARPUSstreptocarpus n. Any of several plants of the genus Streptocarpus. the Cape primroses.
STREPTOCARPUS n. any flowering plant of the Cape primrose genus Streptocarpus, with foxglove-like flowers.
SUPERPLASTICSsuperplastics n. Plural of superplastic.
SUPERPLASTIC n. a plastic with these qualities.
SUPPLICATIONSsupplications n. Plural of supplication.
SUPPLICATION n. an act of supplicating; an earnest or humble petition.
SUPERPARTICLESsuperparticles n. Plural of superparticle.
SUPERPARTICLE n. a particle postulated in supersymmetry theory.
SUPERSPECTACLEsuperspectacle n. A particularly grand and impressive spectacle.
SUPERSPECTACLE n. an exceptional spectacle.
PROCURATORSHIPSprocuratorships n. Plural of procuratorship.
PROCURATORSHIP n. the office of procurator.
STREPTOCARPUSESstreptocarpuses n. Plural of streptocarpus.
STREPTOCARPUS n. any flowering plant of the Cape primrose genus Streptocarpus, with foxglove-like flowers.
SUPERPLASTICITYsuperplasticity n. The deformation of a solid beyond its normal breaking point.
SUPERPLASTICITY n. the state of being superplastic.
SUPERSPECIALISTsuperspecialist n. A specialist working in a particularly narrow and specialized field.
SUPERSPECIALIST n. an exceptional specialist.
SUPERSPECTACLESsuperspectacles n. Plural of superspectacle.
SUPERSPECTACLE n. an exceptional spectacle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 310 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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