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There are 18 words containing A, C, G, M, N and 3O

COSMOGONALcosmogonal adj. (Archaic) Of or pertaining to cosmogony.
COSMOGONAL adj. relating to cosmogony, also COSMOGONIC, COSMOGONICAL.
MONOLOGICALmonological adj. Relating to a monologue.
MONOLOGICAL adj. relating to a monologue, also MONOLOGIC.
NOMOLOGICALnomological adj. (Philosophy) Pertaining to or expressing general laws that lack logical necessity.
NOMOLOGICAL adj. relating to nomology, the science of reasoning, also NOMOLOGIC.
COSMOGONICALcosmogonical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmogony.
COSMOGONICAL adj. relating to cosmogony, also COSMOGONAL, COSMOGONIC.
COGNOMINATIONcognomination n. A cognomen, surname.
COGNOMINATION n. the act of cognominating, naming.
CONGLOMERATORconglomerator n. A person who founds or builds a conglomerate (business).
CONGLOMERATOR n. one who conglomerates.
DEMONOLOGICALdemonological adj. Of or pertaining to demonology.
DEMONOLOGICAL adj. relating to demonology, also DEMONOLOGIC.
ENTOMOLOGICALentomological adj. Of or pertaining to entomology.
ENTOMOLOGICAL adj. relating to entomology.
NOMOLOGICALLYnomologically adv. In terms or by means of nomology.
NOMOLOGICAL adv. relating to nomology, the science of reasoning, also NOMOLOGIC.
PATHOGNOMONICpathognomonic adj. (Medicine, of a sign or symptom) specifically characteristic or indicative of a particular disease or condition.
PATHOGNOMONIC adj. distinctively characteristic of a particular disease.
COGNOMINATIONScognominations n. Plural of cognomination.
COGNOMINATION n. the act of cognominating, naming.
CONGLOMERATIONconglomeration n. That which consists of many previously separate parts.
conglomeration n. An instance of conglomerating, a coming together of separate parts.
CONGLOMERATION n. the act of conglomerating.
CONGLOMERATORSconglomerators n. Plural of conglomerator.
CONGLOMERATOR n. one who conglomerates.
CONGLOMERATIONSconglomerations n. Plural of conglomeration.
CONGLOMERATION n. the act of conglomerating.
ENTOMOLOGICALLYentomologically adv. In terms of entomology.
ENTOMOLOGICAL adv. relating to entomology.
MEGACORPORATIONmegacorporation n. A corporation or business entity of immense size and influence.
MEGACORPORATION n. a huge and powerful corporation.
PHONOCARDIOGRAMphonocardiogram n. (Medicine) An image produced by a phonocardiograph.
PHONOCARDIOGRAM n. a record of heart sounds.
THANATOGNOMONICthanatognomonic adj. Foreshadowing death.
THANATOGNOMONIC adj. indicating or characteristic of death.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 788 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 104 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 166 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 62 words

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