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There are 20 words containing A, C, F, G, I, N and 2R

CONFIGURATORconfigurator n. (Computing) A small software application intended to assist in the configuration of a particular part of the system.
CONFIGURATOR n. an item of software that enables or assists in the configuration of a product.
CONFIGURATORSconfigurators n. Plural of configurator.
CONFIGURATOR n. an item of software that enables or assists in the configuration of a product.
COTRANSFERRINGcotransferring v. Present participle of cotransfer.
FERRICYANOGENferricyanogen n. (Chemistry) A hexavalent radical, Fe2(CN)12, a compound of cyanogen and iron in the ferric state.
FERRICYANOGEN n. the trivalent radical of the ferricyanides.
FERRICYANOGENSFERRICYANOGEN n. the trivalent radical of the ferricyanides.
FERRIMAGNETICferrimagnetic adj. (Physics) Exhibiting ferrimagnetism.
FERRIMAGNETIC adj. of or relating to a substance (as ferrite) characterized by magnetization in which two types of ions of unequal magnetic moment are polarized in opposite directions.
FERROMAGNETICferromagnetic adj. (Physics) Exhibiting ferromagnetism.
FERROMAGNETIC adj. of or relating to substances with an abnormally high magnetic permeability, a definite saturation point, and appreciable residual magnetism and hysteresis.
FOREREACHINGforereaching v. Present participle of forereach.
FOREREACH v. to glide ahead, esp. when going in stay.
FRACTURINGfracturing v. Present participle of fracture.
fracturing n. The act by which something is fractured.
FRACTURE v. to break.
FRAGRANCIESfragrancies n. Plural of fragrancy.
FRAGRANCY n. pleasantness of smell, also FRAGRANCE.
FRAGRANCINGfragrancing v. Present participle of fragrance.
FRAGRANCE v. to perfume with a fragrance.
FROGMARCHINGfrogmarching v. Present participle of frogmarch.
frog-marching v. Present participle of frog-march.
frog␣marching v. Present participle of frog march.
PREFABRICATINGprefabricating v. Present participle of prefabricate.
PREFABRICATE v. to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.
RECONFIGURATIONreconfiguration n. A reconfigured state.
reconfiguration n. The act of reconfiguring.
RECONFIGURATION n. the act of reconfiguring.
REFRACTINGrefracting v. Present participle of refract.
refracting n. An act of refraction.
REFRACT v. to deflect in a particular manner, as a ray of light.
REFRACTURINGrefracturing v. Present participle of refracture.
REFRACTURE v. to fracture again.
REMANUFACTURINGremanufacturing v. Present participle of remanufacture.
remanufacturing n. The action of the verb to remanufacture.
REMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture into a new product.
RESURFACINGresurfacing v. Present participle of resurface.
resurfacing n. The application of a new surface.
resurfacing n. The act of coming above the surface again.
TRIFURCATINGtrifurcating v. Present participle of trifurcate.
TRIFURCATE v. to divide into three forks.
ULTRACENTRIFUGEultracentrifuge n. A high-speed centrifuge, especially one free from convection that is used to separate colloidal particles.
ultracentrifuge v. To submit a material to ultracentrifugation.
ULTRACENTRIFUGE v. to subject to the action of an ultracentrifuge, a very high-speed type of centrifuge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 497 words
  • Scrabble in French: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 137 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 125 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 207 words

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