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There are 15 words containing A, C, D, H, O and 3S

CROSSHEADScrossheads n. Plural of crosshead.
CROSSHEAD n. a beam connecting piston rod to connecting rod.
CHESSBOARDSchessboards n. Plural of chessboard.
CHESSBOARD n. a checkerboard used in the game of chess.
SHADOWCASTSshadowcasts n. Plural of shadowcast.
SHADOWCAST v. in microscopy, to cast shadows of projecting parts of a specimen by exposing to a stream of a vapour of a heavy metal.
SADOMASOCHISMsadomasochism n. The practices of sadism and masochism collectively, usually in reference to consensual practices within…
sadomasochism n. Sadism and masochism: the (often sexual) enjoyment by one person of both inflicting and receiving pain.
sado-masochism n. Alternative spelling of sadomasochism.
SADOMASOCHISTsadomasochist n. A person who enjoys both inflicting and receiving pain for sexual gratification.
sadomasochist adj. Sadomasochistic.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
AUTOSCHEDIASMSautoschediasms n. Plural of autoschediasm.
AUTOSCHEDIASM n. anything which is extemporized.
CUSTODIANSHIPScustodianships n. Plural of custodianship.
CUSTODIANSHIP n. the office of custodian.
ORCHARDGRASSESorchardgrasses n. Plural of orchardgrass.
SADOMASOCHISMSsadomasochisms n. (Rare) plural of sadomasochism.
SADOMASOCHISM n. the derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others or on oneself.
SADOMASOCHISTSsadomasochists n. Plural of sadomasochist.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
SHADOWCASTINGSSHADOWCASTING n. in microscopy, casting shadows of projecting parts of a specimen by exposing to a stream of a vapour of a heavy metal.
SUBDEACONSHIPSsubdeaconships n. Plural of subdeaconship.
SUBDEACONSHIP n. the office of subdeacon.
DOLICHOSAURUSESDOLICHOSAURUS n. any member of the Dolichosauria, a group of Cretaceous fossil reptiles.
HARPSICHORDISTSharpsichordists n. Plural of harpsichordist.
HARPSICHORDIST n. one who plays the harpsichord.
SADOMASOCHISTICsadomasochistic adj. Of or relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists.
SADOMASOCHISTIC adj. relating to sadomasochism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 365 words
  • Scrabble in French: 148 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 96 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 54 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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