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There are 19 words containing A, 2C, 3L and 2Y

CYCLICALLYcyclically adv. In a cyclic manner; in cycles; periodically.
CYCLICAL adv. relating to a cycle.
CYCLOIDALLYcycloidally adv. In a cycloidal manner.
CYCLOIDAL adv. of or like a cycloid, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along a straight line.
CYCLONICALLYcyclonically adv. In a cyclonic fashion.
CYCLONICAL adv. of or like a cyclone, a circular storm, also CYCLONIC.
DACTYLICALLYdactylically adv. (Prosody) In, or in terms of, dactyls.
DACTYLIC adv. consisting chiefly or wholly of, dactyls, also DACTYLAR.
CATALYTICALLYcatalytically adv. In terms of, or by means of, catalysis.
CATALYTICAL adv. acting as a catalyst, also CATALYTIC.
CONCYCLICALLYCONCYCLIC adv. lying or situated on the circumference of the same circle.
CYLINDRICALLYcylindrically adv. In the manner of a cylinder.
cylindrically adv. With cylindrical symmetry.
CYLINDRICAL adv. shaped like a cylinder, also CYLINDRIC.
CYTOLOGICALLYcytologically adv. By means of cytology.
CYTOLOGICAL adv. relating to cytology, the study of living cells, also CYTOLOGIC.
MYCOLOGICALLYmycologically adv. In terms of, or by means of, mycology.
MYCOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to mycology, the study of fungi, also MYCOLOGIC.
NONCYCLICALLYnoncyclically adv. In a noncyclical fashion.
GLYCOSIDICALLYglycosidically adv. In a glycosidic manner; by means of a glycoside.
GLYCOSIDIC adv. of or like a glycoside.
ACETYLSALICYLICacetylsalicylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Describing any derivative of salicylic acid in which the phenolic hydroxyl has been acetylated.
ACETYLSALICYLIC adj. as in acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin.
APOCALYPTICALLYapocalyptically adv. In an apocalyptic manner.
apocalyptically adv. In a manner portending future disaster, devastation and doom.
APOCALYPTICAL adv. of, relating to, or resembling an apocalypse, also APOCALYPTIC.
CATACLYSMICALLYcataclysmically adv. In a cataclysmic way.
CATACLYSMIC adv. relating to cataclysm, also CATACLYSMAL.
CYTOPLASMICALLYcytoplasmically adv. With regard to the cytoplasm.
CYTOPLASMIC adv. relating to cytoplasm.
PSYCHEDELICALLYpsychedelically adv. In a psychedelic manner.
PSYCHEDELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHODELIC.
PSYCHODELICALLYPSYCHODELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHEDELIC.
PSYCHOLOGICALLYpsychologically adv. In a psychological sense.
psychologically adv. Employing psychology.
PSYCHOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to psychology, also PSYCHOLOGIC.
SYNECOLOGICALLYsynecologically adv. Regarding synecology.
SYNECOLOGICAL adv. relating to synecology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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