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There are 19 words containing A, 2C, H, 3O and S

BRONCHOSCOPICALbronchoscopical adj. Of or relating to bronchoscopy.
BRONCHOSCOPICAL adj. relating to bronchoscopy, examination of the bronchi, also BRONCHOSCOPIC.
CACOPHONIOUScacophonious adj. Cacophonous; harsh-sounding; unmusical.
CACOPHONOUScacophonous adj. Containing, consisting of, or producing harsh, unpleasant or discordant sounds.
CACOPHONOUS adj. discordant, unpleasantly noisy, also CACOPHONIC, CACOPHONICAL, CACOPHONIOUS.
CACOPHONOUSLYcacophonously adv. In a cacophonous manner.
CACOPHONOUS adv. discordant, unpleasantly noisy, also CACOPHONIC, CACOPHONICAL, CACOPHONIOUS.
CHENOPODIACEOUSchenopodiaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoots) (now subfamily Chenopodioideae).
CHENOPODIACEOUS adj. belonging to the goosefoot family.
COACHROOFScoachroofs n. Plural of coachroof.
coach␣roofs n. Plural of coach roof.
COACHROOF n. (Canadian) a raised part of the cabin roof of a yacht.
COACHWOODScoachwoods n. Plural of coachwood.
COACHWOOD n. an Australian tree yielding a light-grained wood formerly used in coach-making.
ECHOLOCATIONSecholocations n. Plural of echolocation.
ECHOLOCATION n. determining the position of objects by means of supersonic vibrations echoed from them, as a bat does.
MONOCHROMATICSMONOCHROMATIC n. a monochromatic painting, drawing, garment, etc.
MOTORCOACHESmotorcoaches n. Plural of motorcoach.
motor-coaches n. Plural of motor-coach.
motor␣coaches n. Plural of motor coach.
NONALCOHOLICSnonalcoholics n. Plural of nonalcoholic.
OCHLOPHOBIACSochlophobiacs n. Plural of ochlophobiac.
OCHLOPHOBIAC n. one who suffers from ochlophobia, a morbid fear of crowds.
OPHTHALMOSCOPICophthalmoscopic adj. Of, pertaining to or using an ophthalmoscope.
OPHTHALMOSCOPIC adj. relating to ophthalmoscope.
OROBANCHACEOUSorobanchaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Orobanchaceae, plants mostly parasitic on the roots of other plants.
OROBANCHACEOUS adj. belonging to the broomrape family.
SOCIOHISTORICALsociohistorical adj. Of or pertaining to social and historical factors.
socio-historical adj. Alternative form of sociohistorical.
SOCIOHISTORICAL adj. of, relating to, or involving social history or a combination of social and historical factors.
STOECHIOLOGICALstœchiological adj. Rare spelling of stoichiological.
STOECHIOLOGICAL adj. related to stoechiology.
STOICHIOLOGICALstoichiological adj. Of or relating to the science of stoichiology.
STOICHIOLOGICAL adj. related to stoichiology.
THORACOSCOPEthoracoscope n. The instrument used in thoracoscopy.
THORACOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the thorax and chest wall.
THORACOSCOPESthoracoscopes n. Plural of thoracoscope.
THORACOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the thorax and chest wall.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 822 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 73 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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