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There are 20 words containing A, 2C, H, N and 3O

BRONCHOSCOPICALbronchoscopical adj. Of or relating to bronchoscopy.
BRONCHOSCOPICAL adj. relating to bronchoscopy, examination of the bronchi, also BRONCHOSCOPIC.
CACOPHONIOUScacophonious adj. Cacophonous; harsh-sounding; unmusical.
CACOPHONOUScacophonous adj. Containing, consisting of, or producing harsh, unpleasant or discordant sounds.
CACOPHONOUS adj. discordant, unpleasantly noisy, also CACOPHONIC, CACOPHONICAL, CACOPHONIOUS.
CACOPHONOUSLYcacophonously adv. In a cacophonous manner.
CACOPHONOUS adv. discordant, unpleasantly noisy, also CACOPHONIC, CACOPHONICAL, CACOPHONIOUS.
CHEMOTAXONOMICchemotaxonomic adj. Of or pertaining to chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMIC adj. relating to chemotaxonomy.
CHENOPODIACEOUSchenopodiaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoots) (now subfamily Chenopodioideae).
CHENOPODIACEOUS adj. belonging to the goosefoot family.
CHORIOALLANTOICchorioallantoic adj. Of or pertaining to the chorioallantois.
CHORIOALLANTOIC adj. of or like a chorioallantois, a highly vascularized fetal membrane.
CHORIOCARCINOMAchoriocarcinoma n. (Oncology) A malignant, trophoblastic cancer, usually of the placenta.
CHORIOCARCINOMA n. a malignant tumor typically developing in the uterus from the trophoblast.
CHRONOLOGICALchronological adj. Relating to time, or units of time.
chronological adj. In order of time from the earliest to the latest.
CHRONOLOGICAL adj. arranged in order of time, also CHRONOLOGIC.
CHRONOLOGICALLYchronologically adv. (Manner) In a chronological manner; with reference to time.
chronologically adv. (Sequence) In sequence according to time.
CHRONOLOGICAL adv. arranged in order of time, also CHRONOLOGIC.
CONCHOLOGICALconchological adj. Of or pertaining to conchology.
CONCHOLOGICAL adj. relating to conchology, the study of shells.
ECHOLOCATIONecholocation n. The use of echoes to detect objects as observed in bats and other natural creatures. Also known as biosonar.
ECHOLOCATION n. determining the position of objects by means of supersonic vibrations echoed from them, as a bat does.
ECHOLOCATIONSecholocations n. Plural of echolocation.
ECHOLOCATION n. determining the position of objects by means of supersonic vibrations echoed from them, as a bat does.
MONOCHROMATICmonochromatic adj. Having only one color, represented by differing hues and tints. For example shades in a black and white television.
monochromatic adj. Perceptive of only one color; unable to distinguish colors; total color blindness.
monochromatic adj. (Figuratively) Plain, dull, lifeless.
MONOCHROMATICSMONOCHROMATIC n. a monochromatic painting, drawing, garment, etc.
NONALCOHOLICnonalcoholic adj. Containing no more than trace amounts of alcohol.
nonalcoholic adj. (Medicine) Not involving alcohol as its cause.
nonalcoholic n. One who is not an alcoholic.
NONALCOHOLICSnonalcoholics n. Plural of nonalcoholic.
OROBANCHACEOUSorobanchaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Orobanchaceae, plants mostly parasitic on the roots of other plants.
OROBANCHACEOUS adj. belonging to the broomrape family.
UNCHRONOLOGICALunchronological adj. Not chronological.
UNCHRONOLOGICAL adj. not chronological.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 866 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 145 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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