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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing A, C, G, 2I, O, R and Y

ALGORITHMICALLYalgorithmically adv. Using an algorithm.
ALGORITHMIC adv. relating to an algorithm.
CARCINOGENICITYcarcinogenicity n. The state or degree of being carcinogenic.
CARCINOGENICITY n. the state of being carcinogenic.
CHOLINERGICALLYcholinergically adv. In a cholinergic manner.
CHOLINERGIC adv. acting like acetylcholine.
CINEANGIOGRAPHYcineangiography n. Cinematographic angiography.
CINEANGIOGRAPHY n. the recording of the movement of blood in the blood vessels by photographing a series of X-ray images to create a moving picture.
CINEMICROGRAPHYcinemicrography n. Alternative form of cinephotomicrography.
CINEMICROGRAPHY n. cinematographic recording of changes under the microscope.
CIRCUMGYRATIONScircumgyrations n. Plural of circumgyration.
CIRCUMGYRATION n. a whirling around.
COMMISERATINGLYcommiseratingly adv. So as to commiserate; in a way that offers commiseration.
COMMISERATING adv. COMMISERATE, to feel or express sympathy.
CRANIOLOGICALLYcraniologically adv. In a craniological way.
CRANIOLOGICAL adv. relating to craniology.
EPEIROGENICALLYepeirogenically adv. By means of epeirogenesis.
EPEIROGENIC adv. relating to epeirogeny, the geological formation of continents, oceans, etc.
GONIOMETRICALLYgoniometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, goniometry.
GONIOMETRICAL adv. relating to the measurement of angles.
HYDROBIOLOGICALhydrobiological adj. Of or pertaining to hydrobiology.
HYDROBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to hydrobiology, the study of aquatic organisms.
IDEOGRAPHICALLYideographically adv. In an ideographic way.
IDEOGRAPHICAL adv. in the form of an ideograph, a symbol in picture-writing representing the idea of a thing, also IDEOGRAPHIC.
LOGARITHMICALLYlogarithmically adv. In a logarithmic manner.
LOGARITHMICAL adv. of or like a logarithm, also LOGARITHMIC.
MINERALOGICALLYmineralogically adv. With regard to mineralogy.
MINERALOGICAL adv. relating to mineralogy.
OVERCLASSIFYINGoverclassifying v. Present participle of overclassify.
OVERCLASSIFY v. to classify to excess.
PHYSIOGRAPHICALphysiographical adj. Of or pertaining to physiography.
PHYSIOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to physiography, also PHYSIOGRAPHIC.
PSYCHOGERIATRICpsychogeriatric adj. Relating to psychogeriatrics.
PSYCHOGERIATRIC adj. relating to the study of the psychological problems of old age.
RECOGNISABILITYrecognisability n. The quality of being recognisable.
RECOGNISABILITY n. the quality of being recognisable.
RECOGNIZABILITYrecognizability n. (Uncountable) The quality of being recognizable.
recognizability n. (Countable) The result of being recognizable.
RECOGNIZABILITY n. the state of being recognizable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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