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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, E, H, 2N, P and S

ACETAMINOPHENSacetaminophens n. Plural of acetaminophen.
ACETAMINOPHEN n. (US) paracetamol, a chemical compound used in medicine to relieve pain and fever.
AFFENPINSCHERSAffenpinschers n. Plural of Affenpinscher.
AFFENPINSCHER n. (German) a kind of dark, wiry, shaggy dog with a tufted muzzle.
ANTICENSORSHIPanticensorship adj. Acting against or opposed to censorship.
ANTICENSORSHIP adj. opposed to censorship.
ANTINEPHRITICSantinephritics n. Plural of antinephritic.
ANTINEPHRITIC n. a drug acting against diseases of the kidney.
CONTAINERSHIPScontainerships n. Plural of containership.
container␣ships n. Plural of container ship.
CONTAINERSHIP n. a ship specially designed or equipped for carrying containerized cargo.
MESENCEPHALONSmesencephalons n. Plural of mesencephalon.
MESENCEPHALON n. the middle section of the embryonic brain.
METENCEPHALONSmetencephalons n. Plural of metencephalon.
METENCEPHALON n. the anterior segment of the developing vertebrate hindbrain.
PARCHMENTISINGPARCHMENTISE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTIZE.
PERENNIBRANCHSperennibranchs n. Plural of perennibranch.
PERENNIBRANCH n. a creature that retains the gills throughout life.
PROSENCEPHALONprosencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) Forebrain.
PROSENCEPHALON n. the forebrain.
SPLANCHNOCELESsplanchnoceles n. Plural of splanchnocele.
SPLANCHNOCELE n. a hernia of any of the abdominal viscera.
TECHNOPOLITANSTECHNOPOLITAN n. a member of a technopolis.
TELENCEPHALONStelencephalons n. Plural of telencephalon.
TELENCEPHALON n. the anterior subdivision of the embryonic forebrain or corresponding part of the adult forebrain.
WAPPENSCHAWINGWAPPENSCHAWING n. (Scots) a periodical gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSHAW, WAPPENSHAWING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 110 words
  • Scrabble in French: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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