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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2C, H, 2I, M and T

AMPHICHROMATICamphichromatic adj. Amphichroic.
AMPHICHROMATIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROIC.
CHROMATICITIESchromaticities n. Plural of chromaticity.
CHROMATICITY n. the quality of color characterized by its dominant or complementary wavelength and purity taken together.
CHYMIFICATIONSCHYMIFICATION n. the process of chymifying.
CLAVICYTHERIUMclavicytherium n. (Music) A harpsichord in which the soundboard and strings are mounted vertically facing the player.
CLAVICYTHERIUM n. a harpsichord-like musical instrument.
DICHROMATICISMDICHROMATICISM n. the property of presenting different colours by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions.
DITHIOCARBAMICDITHIOCARBAMIC adj. as in dithiocarbamic acid.
LITHOCHROMATIClithochromatic adj. Pertaining to chromatic lithography (the production of lithographs that support color through the application…
lithochromatic adj. (Soil science) Displaying color that results from the inclusion of particles of pulverised stone.
LITHOCHROMATIC adj. relating to lithochromatics.
MACHICOLATIONSmachicolations n. Plural of machicolation.
MACHICOLATION n. an opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal for shooting or dropping missiles upon assailants attacking the base of the walls.
MESATICEPHALICmesaticephalic adj. (Anatomy) Having a cranium with a medium ratio of length to breadth.
MESATICEPHALIC adj. intermediate between dolichocephalic and brachycephalic, also MESATICEPHALOUS.
NONCHARISMATICnoncharismatic adj. Not charismatic; lacking charisma.
noncharismatic adj. Not of or pertaining to a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
noncharismatic n. One who is not a member of a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
NONMECHANISTICnonmechanistic adj. Not mechanistic.
NONMECHANISTIC adj. not mechanistic.
SCHISMATICALLYschismatically adv. In a schismatic way.
SCHISMATICAL adv. relating to a schism, also SCHISMATIC.
SCHOLASTICISMSscholasticisms n. Plural of scholasticism.
Scholasticisms n. Plural of Scholasticism.
SCHOLASTICISM n. the aims, methods, and products of thought which constituted the main endeavour of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages.
STICHOMETRICALstichometrical adj. Of or pertaining to stichometry; characterized by stichs, or lines.
STICHOMETRICAL adj. relating to stichometry, also STICHOMETRIC.
TRICHOMONACIDEtrichomonacide n. Any substance that kills trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDE n. an agent used to destroy trichomonads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 215 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 25 words

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