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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, H, L, R, 2T and Y

ARTHRITICALLYarthritically adv. In an arthritic fashion: in a way that is characteristic of a person with arthritis.
ARTHRITIC adv. suffering from arthritis.
BATHYMETRICALbathymetrical adj. Alternative form of bathymetric.
BATHYMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by a bathymeter, also BATHYMETRIC.
CATHARTICALLYcathartically adv. In a cathartic way.
CATHARTICAL adv. cleansing, purifying, also CATHARTIC.
CHROMATOLYTICchromatolytic adj. Relating to chromatolysis.
CHROMATOLYTIC adj. relating to chromatolysis.
CYBERATHLETEScyberathletes n. Plural of cyberathlete.
CYBERATHLETE n. a professional player of computer games.
HETERODACTYLSHETERODACTYL n. a heterodactylous bird.
HETEROTYPICALheterotypical adj. Alternative form of heterotypic.
HETEROTYPICAL adj. denoting or relating to the first nuclear division of meiosis, in which the chromosome number is halved, also HETEROTYPIC.
HYDROSTATICALhydrostatical adj. Alternative form of hydrostatic.
HYDROSTATICAL adj. of or relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit, also HYDROSTATIC.
INTRATHECALLYintrathecally adv. In an intrathecal way; into the spinal canal.
INTRATHECAL adv. introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord.
LYCANTHROPISTlycanthropist n. One affected by the disease lycanthropy.
LYCANTHROPIST n. a werewolf; a person suffering from lycanthropy, also LYCANTHROPE.
METHACRYLATESmethacrylates n. Plural of methacrylate.
METHACRYLATE n. a salt or ester of methacrylic acid.
PROTHETICALLYPROTHETIC adv. of or pertaining to prothesis, the development of an extra initial sound at the beginning of a word.
TACHYMETRICALTACHYMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by tachymeter, also TACHYMETRIC.
THALATTOCRACYthalattocracy n. (Rare) Thalassocracy.
THALATTOCRACY n. sovereignty of the seas, also THALASSOCRACY.
THEATRICALITYtheatricality n. Theatrical behaviour and mannerisms.
THEATRICALITY n. the state of being theatrical.
THEORETICALLYtheoretically adv. In theory; on paper.
theoretically adv. In a theoretical manner.
THEORETICAL adv. relating to or having the character of theory.
THORACOPLASTYthoracoplasty n. (Surgery) Surgery of the chest, usually involving removal of ribs.
THORACOPLASTY n. surgery to collapse a diseased lung by removing selected portions of the ribs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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