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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, E, G, N, 2S and T

ACCEPTINGNESSacceptingness n. The ability or desire to accept.
ACCEPTINGNESS n. the state of being accepting.
ASTRINGENCIESastringencies n. Plural of astringency.
ASTRINGENCY n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCE.
COGNATENESSESCOGNATENESS n. the state of being cognate.
CONJUGATENESSconjugateness n. The quality of being conjugate.
CONJUGATE n. joined, connected.
COSIGNATORIEScosignatories n. Plural of cosignatory.
COSIGNATORY n. a joint signer, also CONSIGNATORY.
CYTODIAGNOSEScytodiagnoses n. Plural of cytodiagnosis.
CYTODIAGNOSIS n. medical diagnosis following the close examination of the cells of the body tissues or fluids, e.g. the smear test for cervical cancer.
DECONGESTANTSdecongestants n. Plural of decongestant.
DECONGESTANT n. an agent that relieves congestion (as of mucous membranes).
GASTROCNEMIUSgastrocnemius n. The muscle at the back of the calf, whose insertion is the Achilles tendon at the heel.
GASTROCNEMIUS n. the muscle that bulges the calf of the leg.
GASTROMANCIESGASTROMANCY n. divination by sounds from the belly.
GEMEINSCHAFTSgemeinschafts n. Plural of gemeinschaft.
GEMEINSCHAFT n. (German) a spontaneous social relationship characterized by strong reciprocal bonds of sentiment and kinship within a common tradition.
GYNECOMASTIASgynecomastias n. Plural of gynecomastia.
GYNECOMASTIA n. excessive development of the breast in the male, also GYNAECOMASTIA, GYNAECOMASTY.
MISCEGENATORSmiscegenators n. Plural of miscegenator.
MISCEGENATOR n. a person who favours or practises miscegenation, also MISCEGENIST.
NECESSITATINGnecessitating v. Present participle of necessitate.
NECESSITATE v. to make necessary.
OCEANOLOGISTSoceanologists n. Plural of oceanologist.
OCEANOLOGIST n. a student of oceanology.
RESUSCITATINGresuscitating v. Present participle of resuscitate.
RESUSCITATE v. to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness.
SCAPEGOATINGSscapegoatings n. Plural of scapegoating.
SCAPEGOATING n. the act of making a scapegoat of.
SHORTCHANGERSshortchangers n. Plural of shortchanger.
SHORTCHANGER n. one who gives short change.
VASECTOMISINGvasectomising v. Present participle of vasectomise.
VASECTOMISE v. to perform a vasectomy on, also VASECTOMIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 115 words
  • Scrabble in French: 56 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 64 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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