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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, D, 2E, N and 2O

ADENOIDECTOMYadenoidectomy n. (Surgery) Surgical removal of the adenoids, or of adenoid growths in the nasopharynx; commonly performed…
ADENOIDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adenoids, also ADENECTOMY.
ADRENOCEPTORSadrenoceptors n. Plural of adrenoceptor.
ADRENOCEPTOR n. an adrenal gland receptor.
ADRENOCHROMESadrenochromes n. Plural of adrenochrome.
ADRENOCHROME n. a mixture of quinones.
CONFEDERATIONconfederation n. A union or alliance of states or political organizations.
confederation n. The act of forming an alliance.
Confederation prop.n. In Canada, the federal union of provinces and territories which formed Canada, beginning with New Brunswick…
CONGLOMERATEDconglomerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of conglomerate.
CONGLOMERATE v. to gather into a ball.
DEMONOCRACIESdemonocracies n. Plural of demonocracy.
DEMONOCRACY n. government by demons or evil forces.
DODECAHEDRONSdodecahedrons n. Plural of dodecahedron.
DODECAHEDRON n. (Greek) a twelve-sided solid figure.
GONADECTOMIESgonadectomies n. Plural of gonadectomy.
GONADECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a gonad.
MONONUCLEATEDmononucleated adj. Having a single nucleus; mononucleate, mononuclear.
MONONUCLEATED adj. having a single nucleus, also MONONUCLEATE.
OVERDOMINANCEoverdominance n. The state of a gene wherein a heterozygote has a higher risk disease than either of its homozygote parents.
overdominance n. Excessive dominance.
OVERDOMINANCE n. the situation where a heterozygote has a phenotype that is better adapted than either homozygote.
OVEREDUCATIONovereducation n. (Of a person) The state of being overeducated; the state when an individual feels overburdened or oppressed…
over-education n. Alternative spelling of overeducation.
OVEREDUCATION n. excessive education.
RECONSOLIDATEreconsolidate v. To consolidate again.
RECONSOLIDATE v. to consolidate again.
REDECORATIONSredecorations n. Plural of redecoration.
REDECORATION n. the act of redecorating.
SCALENOHEDRONscalenohedron n. (Geometry, mineralogy, crystallography) A polyhedron having twelve sides, each in the form of a scalene…
SCALENOHEDRON n. a hemihedral form bounded in the hexagonal system by twelve, in the tetragonal by eight, faces, each a scalene triangle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 119 words
  • Scrabble in French: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 237 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 112 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 80 words

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