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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, 2O, S and 2T

ACCUSTOMATIONaccustomation n. The process of becoming accustomed to something; habituation.
ACCUSTOMATION n. the act of accustoming.
COCCIDIOSTATScoccidiostats n. Plural of coccidiostat.
COCCIDIOSTAT n. an agent which builds up a resistance by the host to coccidia by retarding the latter's life-cycle, etc.
COLLECTORATEScollectorates n. Plural of collectorate.
COLLECTORATE n. the office of collector.
COLLUCTATIONScolluctations n. Plural of colluctation.
COLLUCTATION n. (archaic) strife, conflict.
CONCENTRATORSconcentrators n. Plural of concentrator.
CONCENTRATOR n. an apparatus for concentrating solutions or for obtaining minerals from ores by physical means.
CONTRADICTORScontradictors n. Plural of contradictor.
CONTRADICTOR n. one who contradicts, also CONTRADICTER.
CONTRAOCTAVEScontraoctaves n. Plural of contraoctave.
contra-octaves n. Plural of contra-octave.
CONTRAOCTAVE n. the musical octave that begins on the third C below middle C.
COSMOTHETICALcosmothetical adj. Synonym of cosmothetic.
COSMOTHETICAL adj. assuming an external world, also COSMOTHETIC.
DECORTICATORSdecorticators n. Plural of decorticator.
DECORTICATOR n. a device for removing bark.
POCOCURANTISTpococurantist n. A nonchalant, indifferent person.
POCOCURANTIST n. one who is habitually uninterested.
PROTEOCLASTICproteoclastic adj. Proteolytic.
PROTEOCLASTIC adj. proteolytic, relating to the splitting of proteins by enzymes.
STREPTOCOCCALstreptococcal adj. Relating to bacteria of the genus Streptococcus.
STREPTOCOCCAL adj. relating to streptococci, also STREPTOCOCCIC.
SUBCONTRACTORsubcontractor n. A contractor hired by a general contractor employed by the contractor rather than directly hired by the customer.
SUBCONTRACTOR n. an individual or business firm contracting to perform part or all of another's contract.
TACHISTOSCOPEtachistoscope n. A device that displays a series of brief images; used by psychologists to investigate perception, memory and learning.
TACHISTOSCOPE n. an instrument for rapidly showing images on a screen to test perception.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 49 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 15 words

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