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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2C, E, L, S and 2T

CATECHISTICALcatechistical adj. Pertaining to a catechism.
CATECHISTICAL adj. relating to catechism, also CATECHISTIC.
CATHOLICITIEScatholicities n. Plural of catholicity.
CATHOLICITY n. broad-mindedness; inclusiveness.
CENTUPLICATEScentuplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of centuplicate.
CENTUPLICATE v. to centuple.
CHALCANTHITESchalcanthites n. Plural of chalcanthite.
CHALCANTHITE n. native hydrated copper sulphate, a blue triclinic mineral usually occurring as tabular crystals.
CLEARCUTTINGSclearcuttings n. Plural of clearcutting.
CLEARCUTTING n. the act of felling timber over a given area.
COLLECTORATEScollectorates n. Plural of collectorate.
COLLECTORATE n. the office of collector.
CONCEPTUALISTconceptualist n. An artist involved in the conceptualism movement.
conceptualist n. (Philosophy) One who maintains the theory of conceptualism.
CONCEPTUALIST n. an adherent to the tenets of conceptualism or of conceptual art.
CONSTRUCTABLEconstructable adj. Alternative form of constructible.
CONSTRUCTABLE adj. capable of being constructed, also CONSTRUCTIBLE.
COSMOTHETICALcosmothetical adj. Synonym of cosmothetic.
COSMOTHETICAL adj. assuming an external world, also COSMOTHETIC.
CRITICALITIEScriticalities n. Plural of criticality.
CRITICALITY n. the state of being critical.
ELECTROSTATICelectrostatic adj. (Physics) of, relating to, or produced by electrostatics or static electricity.
ELECTROSTATIC adj. of or relating to static electricity or electrostatics.
OCCIDENTALISToccidentalist n. One who studies occidental languages.
occidentalist n. A person who favours Western ideas or customs.
OCCIDENTALIST n. one who studies the Occident.
PROTEOCLASTICproteoclastic adj. Proteolytic.
PROTEOCLASTIC adj. proteolytic, relating to the splitting of proteins by enzymes.
RECALCITRANTSrecalcitrants n. Plural of recalcitrant.
RECALCITRANT n. a recalcitrant person.
RECALCITRATESrecalcitrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recalcitrate.
RECALCITRATE v. to show strong objection to.
SCHOLASTICATEscholasticate n. A college for Roman Catholic scholastics planning to enter a religious order or seminary; The studies…
SCHOLASTICATE n. a preparatory college for those intending to enter Catholic order.
SCRATCHPLATESscratchplates n. Plural of scratchplate.
SCRATCHPLATE n. a plastic or metal plate attached to the front of a guitar to protect it from pick scratches.
STREPTOCOCCALstreptococcal adj. Relating to bacteria of the genus Streptococcus.
STREPTOCOCCAL adj. relating to streptococci, also STREPTOCOCCIC.
TETRACYCLINEStetracyclines n. Plural of tetracycline.
TETRACYCLINE n. a yellow crystalline broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by streptomyces or synthetically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 58 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 28 words

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