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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, C, E, G, 2I, N and P

APPERCEIVINGapperceiving v. Present participle of apperceive.
APPERCEIVE v. to perceive an inner meaning.
APPRECIATINGappreciating v. Present participle of appreciate.
appreciating adj. Appreciative: having or showing appreciation.
appreciating n. Appreciation.
APPRENTICINGapprenticing v. Present participle of apprentice.
APPRENTICE v. to set someone to work to learn a trade.
ASEPTICISINGasepticising v. Present participle of asepticise.
ASEPTICISE v. to make aseptic; to treat with aseptics, also ASEPTICIZE.
ASEPTICIZINGasepticizing v. Present participle of asepticize.
ASEPTICIZE v. to make aseptic; to treat with aseptics, also ASEPTICISE.
BACKSPEIRINGBACKSPEIR v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEER.
DECAPITATINGdecapitating v. Present participle of decapitate.
DECAPITATE v. to cut off the head of.
DEPRECIATINGdepreciating v. Present participle of depreciate.
depreciating adj. That is declining in value.
depreciating adj. That degrades the value of something; deprecating.
DOPAMINERGICdopaminergic adj. Containing, involving, or transmitting dopamine.
dopaminergic adj. Of or relating to dopamine.
dopaminergic n. (Biochemistry) Any substance that affects the production of dopamine.
EMANCIPATINGemancipating v. Present participle of emancipate.
EMANCIPATE v. to free from restraint, control, or the power of another.
EPISCOPATINGepiscopating v. Present participle of episcopate.
EPISCOPATE v. to act as a bishop.
FIRESCAPINGSFIRESCAPING n. the act of arranging the features of (a garden or other area of land) in a way that inhibits the spread of fire.
INTERSPACINGinterspacing v. Present participle of interspace.
INTERSPACE v. to put spaces between.
PALINGENETICpalingenetic adj. Of or pertaining to palingenesis.
PALINGENETIC adj. relating to palingenesis, the remelting of rock followed by solidification into a different form, also PALINGENETICAL.
PIECEMEALINGpiecemealing v. Present participle of piecemeal.
PIECEMEAL v. to divide or distribute piecemeal.
PLACEKICKINGplacekicking v. Present participle of placekick.
placekicking n. The act or skill of taking placekicks.
PLACEKICK v. to make a placekick.
PREACHIFYINGpreachifying v. Present participle of preachify.
PREACHIFYING n. the act of preachifying.
PREFINANCINGprefinancing v. Present participle of prefinance.
PREFINANCING n. financing arragned in advance.
SPECIALISINGspecialising v. Present participle of specialise.
SPECIALISE v. to make special or specific, also SPECIALIZE.
SPECIALIZINGspecializing v. Present participle of specialize.
SPECIALIZE v. to make special or specific, also SPECIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 92 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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