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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, I, P, R, T and V

COMPARATIVEcomparative adj. Of or relating to comparison.
comparative adj. Using comparison as a method of study, or founded on something using it.
comparative adj. Approximated by comparison; relative.
COOPERATIVEcooperative adj. Ready to work with another person or in a team; ready to cooperate.
cooperative adj. Involving cooperation between individuals or parties.
cooperative adj. Relating to a cooperative or cooperatives.
CORPORATIVEcorporative adj. Pertaining to a corporation; corporate.
corporative adj. Pertaining to corporativism (also called corporatism); based on collective action or responsibility;…
CORPORATIVE adj. of or relating to a corporation.
CREPITATIVEcrepitative adj. Crepitating.
CREPITATIVE adj. crackling.
DEPRECATIVEdeprecative adj. Tending to deprecate; disapproving.
deprecative adj. (Archaic) Tending to avert evil by prayer.
DEPRECATIVE adj. serving to deprecate.
HYPERACTIVEhyperactive adj. Having an increased state of activity.
hyperactive adj. Having attention deficit disorder (no longer used by the scientific community).
HYPERACTIVE adj. affected with or exhibiting hyperactivity.
PERCOLATIVEpercolative adj. That percolates.
PERCOLATIVE adj. relating to percolation.
PERVICACITYpervicacity n. (Obsolete) obstinacy; pervicaciousness.
PERVICACITY n. the state of being pervicacious, stubborn, also PERVICACY.
PREDICATIVEpredicative adj. (Grammar, of an adjectival or nominal phrase) Modifying a noun while in a predicate phrase, which predicate…
predicative n. (Grammar) An element of the predicate of a sentence which complements the subject or object by means…
predicative n. (Grammar) In some languages, a special part of speech used as a predicate and denoting a state of being.
PREVARICATEprevaricate v. (Transitive, intransitive, obsolete) To deviate, transgress; to go astray (from).
prevaricate v. (Intransitive) To shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to deviate from the truth; to evade…
prevaricate v. (Intransitive, law) To collude, as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution.
PROACTIVELYproactively adv. In a proactive manner; so as to look or plan ahead.
pro-actively adv. Alternative form of proactively.
PROCREATIVEprocreative adj. Having the power to beget; generative.
PROCREATIVE adj. relating to procreation, also PROCREATIONAL.
PROTRACTIVEprotractive adj. Drawing out or lengthening in time; prolonging; continuing; delaying.
PROTRACTIVE adj. serving to protract.
PROVOCATIVEprovocative adj. Serving or tending to elicit a strong, often negative sentiment in another person; exasperating.
provocative adj. Serving or tending to excite, stimulate or arouse sexual interest; sexy.
provocative n. (Obsolete) Something that provokes an appetite, especially a sexual appetite; an aphrodisiac.
REPLICATIVEreplicative adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing replication.
REPLICATIVE adj. of, relating to, involved in, or characterized by replication.
SUPERACTIVEsuperactive adj. Highly active.
SUPERACTIVE adj. extremely active.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 100 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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