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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, C, D, L, O, R, T and Y

ACCORDANTLYaccordantly adv. In accordance or agreement; agreeably; conformably.
ACCORDANT adv. agreeing; consonant.
ARTIODACTYLartiodactyl n. (Zoology) Any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes and belonging to the Artiodactyla, including…
ARTIODACTYL n. an animal having an even number of toes on each foot, such as pig, camel, cattle, deer.
CONDOLATORYcondolatory adj. Offering condolence.
CONDOLATORY adj. serving to condole.
CRYSTALLOIDcrystalloid n. (Chemistry) Any substance that can be crystallized from solution; a water-soluble crystalline substance…
crystalloid n. (Botany) One of the microscopic particles resembling crystals, consisting of protein matter, which occur…
crystalloid adj. Crystal-like; transparent like crystal, or shaped like a crystal.
DACTYLOGRAMdactylogram n. A fingerprint.
DACTYLOGRAM n. a fingerprint.
DECLAMATORYdeclamatory adj. Having the quality of a declamation.
declamatory adj. Pretentiously lofty in style; bombastic.
DECLAMATORY adj. in the manner of a declamation.
DECLARATORYdeclaratory adj. Serving to declare or explain.
DECLARATORY adj. in the manner of a declaration.
DECLINATORYdeclinatory adj. (Law, obsolete or historical) Containing or involving a declination or refusal, as of submission to…
DECLINATORY n. a legal plea that has the aim of demonstrating that the accused is exempt from legal authority and punishment.
DOCTRINALLYdoctrinally adv. In a doctrinal manner; in terms of doctrine.
DOCTRINAL adv. of or relating to doctrine.
ELUCIDATORYelucidatory adj. Serving to elucidate.
ELUCIDATORY adj. serving to elucidate.
MACRODACTYLmacrodactyl n. One of a group of wading birds (Macrodactyli) having very long toes.
MACRODACTYL n. one of a group of wading birds.
MALEDICTORYmaledictory adj. Of or relating to malediction.
MALEDICTORY adj. of or like a malediction.
PTERODACTYLpterodactyl n. (Paleontology) A pterosaur in the genus Pterodactylus.
pterodactyl n. (Informal) Any pterosaur.
PTERODACTYL n. any of various pterosaurs of the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous having a rudimentary tail and a beak with reduced dentition, also PTERODACTYLE.
VALEDICTORYvaledictory adj. Of or pertaining to a valediction (“an act of parting company; a speech made when parting company”);…
valedictory adj. (Canada, US) Of or pertaining to a valedictorian (“the individual in a graduating class who delivers…
valedictory n. An address given on an occasion of bidding farewell or parting company.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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