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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, I, L, O and 2S

ACCESSIONALaccessional adj. (Rare) Pertaining to accession; additional.
ACCESSIONAL adj. relating to accession.
ACCESSORIALaccessorial adj. Of or pertaining to an accessory, e.g. to a crime.
accessorial adj. Of or relating to an accession.
accessorial adj. (Logistics) Assessorial.
ACCESSORILYaccessorily adv. In the manner of an accessory; auxiliarily.
ACCESSORY adv. accompanying, as a subordinate; additional, also ACCESSARY.
CACOMISTLEScacomistles n. Plural of cacomistle.
CACOMISTLE n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMIXL, CACOMIXLE.
CLOACITISESCLOACITIS n. inflammation of the cloaca in birds.
COMICALNESScomicalness n. The state or quality of being comical.
COMICALNESS n. the state of being comical.
CONCLAVISMSCONCLAVISM n. a minority movement that rejects the authority of the established pope and instead supports an alternative pope.
CONCLAVISTSconclavists n. Plural of conclavist.
CONCLAVIST n. one of the two ecclesiastics allowed to attend a cardinal in the conclave.
CROSSCLAIMScrossclaims n. Plural of crossclaim.
crossclaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crossclaim.
CROSSCLAIM n. a claim made by a defendant against a plaintiff.
ICONOCLASMSiconoclasms n. Plural of iconoclasm.
ICONOCLASM n. attacking of established beliefs.
ICONOCLASTSiconoclasts n. Plural of iconoclast.
ICONOCLAST n. a breaker or destroyer of images or idols.
LACONICISMSlaconicisms n. Plural of laconicism.
LACONICISM n. a vigorous, brief manner of expression, also LACONISM.
MICROSCALESmicroscales n. Plural of microscale.
MICROSCALE n. an extremely small scale.
POSTCLASSICpostclassic adj. After a classic period.
POSTCLASSIC adj. of or relating to a period (as in art, literature, or civilization) following a classical one, also POSTCLASSICAL.
SACROILIACSsacroiliacs n. Plural of sacroiliac.
SACROILIAC n. the joint that articulates the sacrum and ilium.
SALICACEOUSsalicaceous adj. Belonging or relating to the willow.
SALICACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like a willow; belonging to the willow family of plants.
SCHOLASTICSscholastics n. Plural of scholastic.
scholastics n. Studies; curriculum.
Scholastics n. Plural of Scholastic.
SCHOLIASTICscholiastic adj. Of or relating to a scholiast.
SCHOLIASTIC adj. like a scholiast.
SOCIALISTICsocialistic adj. Of or relating to socialism.
socialistic adj. Having socialist tendencies.
SOCIALISTIC adj. related to socialism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 68 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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