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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, I, L, M, N and O

ACCLAMATIONacclamation n. A shout of approbation, favor, or assent; eager expression of approval; loud applause.
acclamation n. The act of winning an election to a post because there were no other candidates.
acclamation n. (Art) A representation, in sculpture or on medals, of people expressing joy.
ACCLIMATIONacclimation n. The process of becoming, or the state of being, acclimated, or habituated to a new climate; acclimatization.
acclimation n. (Biology) The adaptation of an organism to its natural climatic environment.
ACCLIMATION n. the act of acclimating.
CHAMELEONICchameleonic adj. Resembling a chameleon: readily changing color or other attributes.
CHAMELEONIC adj. of or like a chameleon.
COMICALNESScomicalness n. The state or quality of being comical.
COMICALNESS n. the state of being comical.
COMPLIANCEScompliances n. Plural of compliance.
COMPLIANCE n. the act of complying, also COMPLIANCY.
CONCLAVISMSCONCLAVISM n. a minority movement that rejects the authority of the established pope and instead supports an alternative pope.
CRAMBOCLINKcrambo-clink n. (Scotland, archaic) Bad poetry; doggerel.
CRAMBOCLINK n. (Scots) rhyming doggerel.
ICONOCLASMSiconoclasms n. Plural of iconoclasm.
ICONOCLASM n. attacking of established beliefs.
LACONICISMSlaconicisms n. Plural of laconicism.
LACONICISM n. a vigorous, brief manner of expression, also LACONISM.
MACRONUCLEImacronuclei n. Plural of macronucleus.
MACRONUCLEUS n. a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions.
MATROCLINICmatroclinic adj. Synonym of matroclinous.
MATROCLINIC adj. inherited from the mother; more like the mother than the father, also MATRICLINIC, MATRICLINOUS, MATROCLINAL, MATROCLINOUS.
MELANCHOLICmelancholic adj. Filled with or affected by melancholy—great sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective…
melancholic adj. (Dated) Pertaining to black bile (melancholy).
melancholic adj. (Classical temperament) Pertaining to the melancholic temperament or its associated personality traits.
MONARCHICALmonarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a monarch or monarchy.
monarchical adj. Having sole or undivided authority.
MONARCHICAL adj. relating to monarchy, also MONARCHIAL.
NONCHEMICALnonchemical adj. Not chemical.
nonchemical n. A substance that is not a chemical.
NONCHEMICAL adj. not chemical.
OECUMENICALoecumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
œcumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
OECUMENICAL adj. general; universal; in ecclesiastical usage, that which concerns the whole church, also ECUMENIC, ECUMENICAL, OECUMENIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 72 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 32 words

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