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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2I, N, R and 2T

ANORTHITICanorthitic adj. (Geology) Composed of or resembling anorthite.
ANORTHITIC adj. of or like an anorthite.
ANTICHRISTantichrist n. One who works against the teachings of Christ.
Antichrist prop.n. (Christianity, Islam) The false messiah who, under direct control of the Devil, will lead the abomination…
ANTICHRIST n. an enemy of Christ or Christianity.
ANTIEROTICantierotic adj. Opposing the erotic.
ANTIEROTIC adj. designed to prevent sexual arousal.
ANTIRACISTantiracist adj. (Sociology) Opposed to racism.
antiracist n. (Sociology) One who opposes racism.
anti-racist adj. Alternative form of antiracist.
ASTRICTINGastricting v. Present participle of astrict.
ASTRICT v. (archaic) to bind, constrict; to bind by moral or legal obligation.
ASTRICTIONastriction n. The act of binding; restriction; obligation.
astriction n. (Medicine) A contraction of parts by applications; the action of an astringent substance.
astriction n. (Obsolete) constipation.
BRATTICINGbratticing v. Present participle of brattice.
bratticing n. The material used for forming brattices.
BRATTICING n. work in the form of brattices; cresting or ornamental work along a ridge.
CANTATRICIcantatrici n. Plural of cantatrice.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
INARTISTICinartistic adj. Lacking in artistic ability.
inartistic adj. Not done in an artistic style.
INARTISTIC adj. not conforming to the principles of art.
NATURISTICnaturistic adj. Pertaining to naturism (doctrine attributing everything to nature).
NATURISTIC adj. relating to naturism.
RECITATIONrecitation n. The act of publicly reciting something previously memorized.
recitation n. The material recited.
recitation n. A regularly scheduled class, in a school, in which discussion occurs of the material covered in a parallel lecture.
TINCTORIALtinctorial adj. Of or relating to tincture (dye or colour).
TINCTORIAL adj. of or relating to dyeing.
TRIACTINALtriactinal adj. Having three rays.
TRIACTINAL adj. three-rayed, also TRIACT, TRIACTINE.
TRITANOPICtritanopic adj. Relating to tritanopia.
TRITANOPIC adj. relating to tritanopia, the inability to distinguish properly between blue and yellow.
UNARTISTICunartistic adj. Not artistic.
UNARTISTIC adj. not artistic.
URTICATINGurticating v. Present participle of urticate.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.
URTICATIONurtication n. (Pathology) The development of urticaria (hives).
urtication n. The sensation of being stung by nettles.
urtication n. (Medicine) Beating the skin with nettles (formerly used to treat paralysis).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 104 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 96 words

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