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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, I, M, O, R and T

ACHROMATICachromatic adj. (Optics) Free from color; transmitting light without color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. Containing components such as achromatic lenses and prisms, designed to prevent color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. (Biology) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.
ACROAMATICacroamatic adj. Esoteric, abstruse; (in particular) taught orally to select students and not disseminated.
acroamatic adj. (Education) Based on lectures or exposition by monologue.
ACROAMATIC adj. abstruse, esoteric, also ACROAMATICAL.
CHROMATICSchromatics n. (Music) Chromatic harmonies or notes.
chromatics n. (Optics) The science of colours; the branch of optics that deals with the properties of colours.
CHROMATICS n. the science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors.
DEMOCRATICdemocratic adj. Pertaining to democracy; constructed upon or in line with the principle of government chosen by the people.
democratic adj. Exhibiting social equality; egalitarian.
democratic adj. (US, politics) Alternative letter-case form of Democratic (“of, pertaining to, or supporting the Democratic…
IMBROCCATAimbroccata n. (Obsolete) A hit or thrust.
IMBROCCATA n. (Italian) a downward pass or thrust in fencing.
MACROCYTICmacrocytic adj. Of or pertaining to macrocytes.
MACROCYTIC adj. relating to a macrocyte.
MESOCRATICmesocratic adj. Relating to mesocracy, or rule by the middle class.
mesocratic adj. (Mineralogy) Neither leucocratic nor melanocratic; having a more or less even mixture of light and dark constituents.
mesocratic n. (Ecology) The second stage of interglacial forest development (Early-Temperate), characterized by a…
MOBOCRATICmobocratic adj. Of or pertaining to mobocracy.
MOBOCRATIC adj. relating to mobocracy, government by mobs or crowds, also MOBOCRATICAL.
MONOCRATICmonocratic adj. Synonym of autocratic.
MONOCRATIC adj. autocratic.
TIMOCRATICtimocratic adj. Belonging to, or constituted by, timocracy.
TIMOCRATIC adj. relating to timocracy, also TIMOCRATICAL.
TRAGICOMICtragicomic adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling tragicomedy; having both tragic and comic aspects.
TRAGICOMIC adj. part tragic, part comic, also TRAGICOMICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 24 words

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