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There are 15 words containing A, B, P, 2R, 2S and U

BURSARSHIPbursarship n. The rank or office of a bursar.
BURSARSHIP n. the office of a bursar.
BURSARSHIPSbursarships n. Plural of bursarship.
BURSARSHIP n. the office of a bursar.
HYPERURBANISMShyperurbanisms n. Plural of hyperurbanism.
HYPERURBANISM n. use of hypercorrect forms in language.
SUBPARAGRAPHSsubparagraphs n. Plural of subparagraph.
sub-paragraphs n. Plural of sub-paragraph (alternative spelling of subparagraphs).
SUBPARAGRAPH n. a subdivision of a paragraph.
SUBPROGRAMSsubprograms n. Plural of subprogram.
SUBPROGRAM n. a subpart of a program.
SUBPROLETARIATSsubproletariats n. Plural of subproletariat.
SUBPROLETARIAT n. the social class below the proletariat.
SUBSTRATOSPHEREsubstratosphere n. The area of the atmosphere directly below the stratosphere.
SUBSTRATOSPHERE n. the area of the atmosphere below the stratosphere.
SUPERABSORBENTsuperabsorbent adj. Having the ability to absorb a great amount of fluid relative to its own mass.
superabsorbent n. Any superabsorbent substance.
SUPERABSORBENT n. an exceptionally absorbent substance.
SUPERABSORBENTSsuperabsorbents n. Plural of superabsorbent.
SUPERABSORBENT n. an exceptionally absorbent substance.
SUPERBAZAARSsuperbazaars n. Plural of superbazaar.
SUPERBAZAAR n. in India, a large department store or supermarket, esp. one set up as a cooperative store by the government, also SUPERBAZAR.
SUPERBAZARSSUPERBAZAR n. in India, a large department store or supermarket, esp. one set up as a cooperative store by the government, also SUPERBAZAAR.
SUPERBOARDSsuperboards n. Plural of superboard.
SUPERBOARD n. a board above other boards.
SUPERBRAINSsuperbrains n. Plural of superbrain.
SUPERBRAIN n. an extraordinary intelligence.
SUPERBRATSsuperbrats n. Plural of superbrat.
SUPERBRAT n. a very brattish child.
SUPERMEMBRANESsupermembranes n. Plural of supermembrane.
SUPERMEMBRANE n. a type of membrane postulated in certain theories of elementary particles that involve supersymmetry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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