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There are 20 words containing A, B, O, S, 3T and U

BATTUTOSBATTUTO n. (Italian) a selection of chopped herbs, used in Italian cookery.
ATTRIBUTORSattributors n. Plural of attributor.
ATTRIBUTOR n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTER.
TITUBATIONStitubations n. Plural of titubation.
TITUBATION n. a nervous condition marked by staggering.
ATTRIBUTIONSattributions n. Plural of attribution.
ATTRIBUTION n. the act of attributing.
AUTOSTABILITYautostability n. (Engineering) Ability to keep a stable poise, either by virtue of shape and proportions, or by some mechanism.
AUTOSTABILITY n. the state of being self-stable.
POSTDEBUTANTEpostdebutante n. A young woman who has made her formal appearance in society.
POSTDEBUTANTE adj. following the stage of being a debutante.
SUBSTANTIATORsubstantiator n. One who or that which substantiates.
SUBSTANTIATOR n. one who substantiator.
DISATTRIBUTIONDISATTRIBUTION n. the act of adjudging a work of art, etc. to be no longer the product of a particular artist etc.
MISATTRIBUTIONmisattribution n. The act or process of misattributing.
misattribution n. An incorrect attribution.
MISATTRIBUTION n. the act of misattributing.
REATTRIBUTIONSreattributions n. Plural of reattribution.
REATTRIBUTION n. the act of reattributing.
SUBSTANTIATIONsubstantiation n. The act of substantiating.
substantiation n. Something which substantiates; evidence, proof.
SUBSTANTIATION n. the act of substantiating.
SUBSTANTIATORSsubstantiators n. Plural of substantiator.
SUBSTANTIATOR n. one who substantiator.
SUBSTITUTIONALsubstitutional adj. Of or pertaining to substitution or to a substitute.
SUBSTITUTIONAL adj. relating to substitution.
AUTOSTABILITIESAUTOSTABILITY n. the state of being self-stable.
CONSUBSTANTIATEconsubstantiate adj. Partaking of the same substance; consubstantial.
consubstantiate v. (Intransitive) To profess or believe the doctrine of consubstantiation.
consubstantiate v. (Transitive) To cause to unite, or to regard as united, in one common substance or nature.
DISATTRIBUTIONSDISATTRIBUTION n. the act of adjudging a work of art, etc. to be no longer the product of a particular artist etc.
MISATTRIBUTIONSmisattributions n. Plural of misattribution.
MISATTRIBUTION n. the act of misattributing.
RECONSTITUTABLEreconstitutable adj. Able to be reconstituted.
RECONSTITUTABLE adj. that can be reconstituted.
SUBSTANTIATIONSsubstantiations n. Plural of substantiation.
SUBSTANTIATION n. the act of substantiating.
SUBSTITUTIONARYsubstitutionary adj. Of or relating to substitution or replacement.
SUBSTITUTIONARY adj. relating to substitution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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