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There are 20 words containing A, B, N, 2R and 3S

ARBITRARINESSESarbitrarinesses n. Plural of arbitrariness.
ARBITRARINESS n. the state of being arbitrary.
BANCASSURERSbancassurers n. Plural of bancassurer.
BANCASSURER n. one involved in bancassurance.
BARBAROUSNESSbarbarousness n. The state or quality of being barbarous.
BARBAROUSNESS n. the state of being barbarous.
BARBAROUSNESSESbarbarousnesses n. Plural of barbarousness.
BARBAROUSNESS n. the state of being barbarous.
BARRENNESSESbarrennesses n. Plural of barrenness.
BARRENNESS n. the state of being barren.
BIZARRENESSESbizarrenesses n. Plural of bizarreness.
BIZARRENESS n. the state of being bizarre.
BRASSFOUNDERSbrassfounders n. Plural of brassfounder.
BRASSFOUNDER n. a person who casts objects in brass.
BREMSSTRAHLUNGSbremsstrahlungs n. Plural of bremsstrahlung.
BREMSSTRAHLUNG n. (German) electromagnetic radiation given off when an electron collides with a positive nucleus.
BRONTOSAURUSESbrontosauruses n. Plural of brontosaur.
BRONTOSAURUS n. any of a genus of large sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic, also BRONTOSAUR.
CROSSBARRINGSCROSSBARRING n. the act of fitting with a crossbar.
DISEMBARRASSINGdisembarrassing v. Present participle of disembarrass.
DISEMBARRASS v. to free from something troublesome or superfluous.
EMBARRASSMENTSembarrassments n. Plural of embarrassment.
EMBARRASSMENT n. confusion or disturbance of mind.
INERRABLENESSESINERRABLENESS n. the state of being inerrable, incapable of erring.
IRRITABLENESSESirritablenesses n. Plural of irritableness.
IRRITABLENESS n. the state of being irritable.
MISTRANSCRIBESmistranscribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mistranscribe.
MISTRANSCRIBE v. to transcribe wrongly.
RESTORABLENESSrestorableness n. Capability of being restored.
RESTORABLENESS n. the state of being restorable.
SNOWBOARDCROSSsnowboardcross n. Alternative spelling of snowboard cross.
snowboard␣cross n. (Snowboarding) A downhill snowboard race over obstacles with many simultaneous racers.
SUPERABSORBENTSsuperabsorbents n. Plural of superabsorbent.
SUPERABSORBENT n. an exceptionally absorbent substance.
TRIBUTARINESSESTRIBUTARINESS n. the state of being a tributary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 263 words
  • Scrabble in French: 178 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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