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There are 19 words containing A, B, L, M, O, P, T and U

COMPUTABLEcomputable adj. Capable of being computed, or enumerated.
computable adj. (Computing theory) Of a problem, solvable by a Turing machine or any thereto Turing-equivalent model;…
computable adj. (Mathematics) of a number, able to be approximated to arbitrary precision by a computable function.
SUBOPTIMALsuboptimal adj. Worse than optimal.
sub-optimal adj. Alternative form of suboptimal.
SUBOPTIMAL adj. less than optimal.
INCOMPUTABLEincomputable adj. Not computable; that cannot be computed, calculated or estimated.
INCOMPUTABLE adj. not computable.
INCOMPUTABLYincomputably adv. To an incomputable degree.
INCOMPUTABLE adv. not computable.
PERAMBULATORperambulator n. (Britain) A baby carriage.
perambulator n. One who perambulates.
perambulator n. A surveyor’s instrument for measuring distances, consisting of a wheel that rolls over the ground, along…
SUBOPTIMALLYsuboptimally adv. In a less than optimal manner.
COMPUTABILITYcomputability n. (Computing theory) The property of being computable by purely mechanical means.
COMPUTABILITY n. the quality of being computable.
PERAMBULATIONperambulation n. (Rare) A survey, a tour; a walking around.
perambulation n. (Law) An English legal ceremony in which an official from a town or parish walks around it to delineate…
perambulation n. The district thus inspected.
PERAMBULATORSperambulators n. Plural of perambulator.
PERAMBULATORYperambulatory adj. Relating to perambulation.
PERAMBULATORY adj. relating to perambulation.
PREAMBULATORYpreambulatory adj. Preceding; going before; introductory.
PREAMBULATORY adj. of or like a preamble, also PREAMBULARY.
UNPROBLEMATICunproblematic adj. Not problematic (presenting problems) or not controversial.
UNPROBLEMATIC adj. not problematic.
COMPUTERISABLEcomputerisable adj. Alternative form of computerizable.
COMPUTERISABLE adj. that can be computerised, also COMPUTERIZABLE.
COMPUTERIZABLEcomputerizable adj. Able to be computerized.
COMPUTERIZABLE adj. that can be computerized, also COMPUTERISABLE.
PERAMBULATIONSperambulations n. Plural of perambulation.
PERAMBULATION n. the act of perambulating.
COMPUTABILITIEScomputabilities n. Plural of computability.
COMPUTABILITY n. the quality of being computable.
INCOMPUTABILITYincomputability n. The condition of being incomputable.
INCOMPUTABILITY n. the quality of being incomputable.
PULMOBRANCHIATEpulmobranchiate adj. (Zoology) Breathing by means of lung sacs.
PULMOBRANCHIATE adj. relating to a pulmobranch, a lung-book.
UNEMPLOYABILITYunemployability n. The state or condition of being unemployable.
UNEMPLOYABILITY n. the state of being unemployable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 363 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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