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There are 19 words containing A, B, 2L, M, O, S and U

BLASPHEMOUSLYblasphemously adv. In blasphemous manner.
BLASPHEMOUS adv. related to blasphemy.
CHLORAMBUCILSCHLORAMBUCIL n. an oral drug used to treat some cancers, e.g. cancer of the ovary and leukaemia.
HOLOMETABOLOUSholometabolous adj. (Entomology) Pertaining to, or undergoing, holometabolism; going through complete metamorphosis.
HOLOMETABOLOUS adj. characterized by complete metamorphosis.
LUMBOSACRALlumbosacral adj. Of or pertaining to the lumbar and sacral regions of the back; the small of the back and the back portion…
LUMBOSACRAL adj. relating to the lumbar sacral region.
MACROGLOBULINSmacroglobulins n. Plural of macroglobulin.
MACROGLOBULIN n. a highly polymerized globulin of high molecular weight.
MEDULLOBLASTOMAmedulloblastoma n. (Oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
MEDULLOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumor of the central nervous system arising in the cerebellum esp. in children.
MODULABILITIESMODULABILITY n. the capability of being modulated.
MOULDABILITIESMOULDABILITY n. the quality of being mouldable, also MOLDABILITY.
PNEUMOBACILLUSPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
RAMBOUILLETSRambouillets n. Plural of Rambouillet.
RAMBOUILLET n. a kind of sheep.
SALBUTAMOLsalbutamol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic beta-agonist bronchodilator related to aspirin, administered in the form…
SALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
SALBUTAMOLSSALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
SEMIGLOBULARsemiglobular adj. Roughly having the shape of half a sphere.
SEMIGLOBULAR adj. being in the form of a half globe.
SUBNORMALLYsubnormally adv. In a subnormal manner.
SUBNORMAL adv. below normal.
SUBOPTIMALLYsuboptimally adv. In a less than optimal manner.
UNEMPLOYABLESunemployables n. Plural of unemployable.
UNEMPLOYABLE n. one not acceptable for employment.
XYLOBALSAMUMxylobalsamum n. The dried twigs or fragrant wood of balm of Gilead (or balsam of Mecca).
XYLOBALSAMUM n. the dried twigs, or the wood, of the balm of Gilead tree.
XYLOBALSAMUMSXYLOBALSAMUM n. the dried twigs, or the wood, of the balm of Gilead tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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