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There are 17 words containing A, B, 2L, M, 2O and R

BALLROOMballroom n. A large room used for dancing and banquets.
ballroom n. A type of elegant dance.
ballroom v. (Intransitive) To take part in ballroom dancing.
BALLROOMSballrooms n. Plural of ballroom.
BALLROOM n. a large room for dancing.
BROOMBALLbroomball n. (Uncountable) A Canadian team sport resembling ice hockey and played with sticks and a ball.
broomball n. (Countable) The ball used in this sport.
BROOMBALL n. (Canadian) a team game played on ice with brooms and a plastic ball.
BROOMBALLSbroomballs n. Plural of broomball.
BROOMBALL n. (Canadian) a team game played on ice with brooms and a plastic ball.
BROOMBALLERbroomballer n. A player of broomball.
BROOMBALLER n. (Canadian) one who plays broomball.
BIOMOLECULARbiomolecular adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to biomolecules (especially macromolecules).
BIOMOLECULAR adj. relating to biomolecules.
BROOMBALLERSbroomballers n. Plural of broomballer.
BROOMBALLER n. (Canadian) one who plays broomball.
SYMBOLOLATRYsymbololatry n. The worship of symbols.
SYMBOLOLATRY n. the worship of symbols.
EMBRYOLOGICALembryological adj. Of or pertaining to embryology.
EMBRYOLOGICAL adj. relating to embryology, also EMBRYOLOGIC.
MACROGLOBULINmacroglobulin n. A plasma globulin of high molecular weight.
MACROGLOBULIN n. a highly polymerized globulin of high molecular weight.
POLYRIBOSOMALpolyribosomal adj. Pertaining to, or composed of polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOMAL adj. of or like a polyribosome.
BOLOMETRICALLYbolometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, bolometry.
BOLOMETRIC adv. relating to bolometry, measurement of radiant energy.
MACROGLOBULINSmacroglobulins n. Plural of macroglobulin.
MACROGLOBULIN n. a highly polymerized globulin of high molecular weight.
SYMBOLOLATRIESSYMBOLOLATRY n. the worship of symbols.
COMBINATORIALLYcombinatorially adv. In a combinatorial way.
COMBINATORIAL adv. of, relating to, or involving combinations.
EMBRYOLOGICALLYembryologically adv. Regarding embryology.
EMBRYOLOGICAL adv. relating to embryology, also EMBRYOLOGIC.
MICROBIOLOGICALmicrobiological adj. Of or pertaining to microbiology.
MICROBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to microbiology, also MICROBIOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 476 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 197 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 94 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 312 words

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