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There are 17 words containing A, B, 2I, 2R, S and Y

BIOSTRATIGRAPHYbiostratigraphy n. (Biology, geology) The study of the stratigraphic distribution of fossils.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY n. the determination of age, etc., of sedimentary strata from fossils which they contain.
CYBERCRIMINALScybercriminals n. Plural of cybercriminal.
CYBERCRIMINAL n. one who commits cybercrime, computer-related crime.
DISTRIBUTARYdistributary adj. That distributes.
distributary n. (Hydrology) A stream of water (either natural or artificial) that branches off and flows away from a…
DISTRIBUTARY n. a branch of a river that flows away from the main stream and does not rejoin it, as in a delta.
GYROSTABILISERgyrostabiliser n. (British spelling) alternative form of gyrostabilizer.
GYROSTABILISER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILIZER.
GYROSTABILISERSgyrostabilisers n. Plural of gyrostabiliser.
GYROSTABILISER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILIZER.
GYROSTABILIZERgyrostabilizer n. A device for stabilizing using a gyroscope.
gyro-stabilizer n. Alternative spelling of gyrostabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
GYROSTABILIZERSgyrostabilizers n. Plural of gyrostabilizer.
gyro-stabilizers n. Plural of gyro-stabilizer.
GYROSTABILIZER n. a gyroscopic device for countering the roll of a ship, etc., also GYROSTABILISER.
IRRESISTABILITYirresistability n. Alternative form of irresistibility.
IRRESISTABLYirresistably adv. Dated form of irresistibly.
IRRESOLVABILITYirresolvability n. The quality of being irresolvable.
IRRESOLVABILITY n. the quality of being irresolvable.
IRRESUSCITABLYirresuscitably adv. So as not to be resuscitated; in an irresuscitable manner.
IRRESUSCITABLE adv. not capable of being resuscitated.
PRESBYTERIANISMpresbyterianism n. That form of church government which invests presbyters with all spiritual power, and admits no prelates…
Presbyterianism n. A form of Protestant Christianity based on Calvinism.
Presbyterianism n. A form of Christian church government characterized by rule by bodies of presbyters or elders.
PRESBYTERIANIZEPresbyterianize v. (Transitive) To make Presbyterian.
PRESBYTERIANIZE v. to make presbyterian, also PRESBYTERIANISE.
PRESERVABILITYpreservability n. The condition, or the extent, of being preservable.
PRESERVABILITY n. the state of being preservable.
RESPIRABILITYrespirability n. The quality or state of being respirable.
RESPIRABILITY n. the quality of being respirable.
TRANSFERABILITYtransferability n. The ability of something to be transferred.
transferability n. The capacity of goods to be transported (linked to their value versus bulk).
transferability n. (Chemistry) The invariance of properties associated with an atom (or fragment) present in a variety of molecules.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 312 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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