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There are 20 words containing A, B, 2I, 3R and T

ARBITRARILYarbitrarily adv. In an arbitrary manner.
arbitrarily adv. To an arbitrary degree.
ARBITRARY adv. arising from accident rather than from rule.
ARBITRATRIXarbitratrix n. (Archaic) A female arbitrator.
ARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
BARRISTERIALbarristerial adj. Of or relating to barristers.
BARRISTERIAL adj. of or like a barrister.
INTERLIBRARYinterlibrary adj. Between libraries.
INTERLIBRARY adj. between libraries.
ARBITRARINESSarbitrariness n. The quality or state of being arbitrary; the extent to which something is arbitrary.
ARBITRARINESS n. the state of being arbitrary.
ARBITRATRICESarbitratrices n. Plural of arbitratrix.
ARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
ARBITRATRIXESARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
BARRISTERSHIPbarristership n. The role or status of a barrister.
BARRISTERSHIP n. the office of barrister.
BRAILLEWRITERbraillewriter n. A kind of mechanical typewriter that produces braille output.
BRAILLEWRITER n. a machine for writing braille.
IRRETRIEVABLEirretrievable adj. Not retrievable; irrecoverable; irreparable.
IRRETRIEVABLE adj. not retrievable.
IRRETRIEVABLYirretrievably adv. In an irretrievable manner; irrecoverably.
IRRETRIEVABLE adv. not retrievable.
BARRISTERSHIPSbarristerships n. Plural of barristership.
BARRISTERSHIP n. the office of barrister.
BRAILLEWRITERSbraillewriters n. Plural of braillewriter.
BRAILLEWRITER n. a machine for writing braille.
HYPERIRRITABLEhyperirritable adj. Excessively prone to irritation.
HYPERIRRITABLE adj. extremely irritable.
IRREPARABILITYirreparability n. The condition of being irreparable.
IRREPARABILITY n. the quality of being irreparable.
IRRESTRAINABLEirrestrainable adj. That cannot be restrained.
IRRESTRAINABLE adj. that cannot be restrained.
ARBITRARINESSESarbitrarinesses n. Plural of arbitrariness.
ARBITRARINESS n. the state of being arbitrary.
ARBORICULTURISTarboriculturist n. A person who practices arboriculture; a tree surgeon.
ARBORICULTURIST n. one who practises arboriculture, the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
IRREFORMABILITYirreformability n. The quality of being irreformable; absence of potential for reform.
IRREFORMABILITY n. the state of being irreformable.
IRREFRAGABILITYirrefragability n. The quality or degree of being irrefragable.
IRREFRAGABILITY n. the state of being irrefragable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 385 words
  • Scrabble in French: 97 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 171 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 229 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 311 words

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