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There are 16 words containing A, B, F, L, O, 2S and T

BLASTOFFSblastoffs n. Plural of blastoff.
blast-offs n. Plural of blast-off.
BLASTOFF n. the launching of a rocket.
BOASTFULNESSboastfulness n. The characteristic of being boastful.
BOASTFULNESS n. the state of being boastful.
BOASTFULNESSESboastfulnesses n. Plural of boastfulness.
BOASTFULNESS n. the state of being boastful.
COMFORTABLENESScomfortableness n. Comfort: the quality or state of being comfortable.
COMFORTABLENESS n. the state of being comfortable.
CONFUSABILITIESCONFUSABILITY n. the quality of being confusable.
FABULOSITIESfabulosities n. Plural of fabulosity.
FABULOSITY n. fabulousness.
FIBROBLASTSfibroblasts n. Plural of fibroblast.
FIBROBLAST n. a cell in connective tissue from which connective tissue is formed.
FISSIONABILITYfissionability n. The quality or degree of being fissionable.
FISSIONABILITY n. the state of being fissionable.
FLOATBASESFLOATBASE n. a place on a river, lake, etc. where float planes dock.
FOOTBALLISTSfootballists n. Plural of footballist.
FOOTBALLIST n. one who plays football, also FOOTBALLER.
PROFITABLENESSprofitableness n. The quality of being profitable; gainfulness; usefulness; advantageousness.
PROFITABLE n. yielding profit.
SOFTBALLERSsoftballers n. Plural of softballer.
SOFTBALLER n. one who plays softball.
SOFTBALLSsoftballs n. Plural of softball.
SOFTBALL n. an American game similar to baseball.
SUBFACTORIALSsubfactorials n. Plural of subfactorial.
SUBFACTORIAL n. something below a factorial.
TABLESPOONFULStablespoonfuls n. Plural of tablespoonful.
TABLESPOONFUL n. the contents of a tablespoon.
TABLESPOONSFULtablespoonsful n. Plural of tablespoonful.
TABLESPOONFUL n. the contents of a tablespoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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