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There are 16 words containing A, B, F, I, O, R, T and U

BIFURCATIONbifurcation n. (Biology) A division into two branches.
bifurcation n. (By extension) Any place where one thing divides into two.
bifurcation n. The act of bifurcating; branching or dividing in two.
BIFURCATIONSbifurcations n. Plural of bifurcation.
BIFURCATION n. the state of being bifurcated.
COBALTIFEROUScobaltiferous adj. Containing or yielding cobalt.
COBALTIFEROUS adj. bearing cobalt.
EBURNIFICATIONeburnification n. The conversion of certain substances into others which have the appearance or characteristics of ivory.
EBURNIFICATION n. the art of making like ivory.
EBURNIFICATIONSeburnifications n. Plural of eburnification.
EBURNIFICATION n. the art of making like ivory.
FIBROMATOUSfibromatous adj. Of or relating to a fibroma.
FIBROMATOUS adj. of or like a fibroma.
NEUROFIBROMATAneurofibromata n. Plural of neurofibroma.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
RUBEFACTIONrubefaction n. The act or process of making red.
RUBEFACTION n. reddening.
RUBEFACTIONSrubefactions n. Plural of rubefaction.
RUBEFACTION n. reddening.
SUBFACTORIALsubfactorial n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) The result of deranging a number. In equations, it is usually symbolised…
SUBFACTORIAL n. something below a factorial.
SUBFACTORIALSsubfactorials n. Plural of subfactorial.
SUBFACTORIAL n. something below a factorial.
SUBINFEUDATORYsubinfeudatory adj. Of or relating to subinfeudation.
subinfeudatory n. One who holds land by subinfeudation.
SUBINFEUDATORY adj. relating to subinfeudation, the sublease of a portion of a feudal estate by a vassal to a tenant who pays fealty to the vassal.
TUBULIFLORALTUBULIFLORAL adj. having tubular-shaped flowers, also TUBULIFLOROUS.
UNPROFITABILITYunprofitability n. The state or condition of being unprofitable.
UNPROFITABILITY n. the quality of being unprofitable.
UNPROFITABLEunprofitable adj. Not making a profit.
UNPROFITABLE adj. not profitable.
UNPROFITABLYunprofitably adv. In an unprofitable manner.
UNPROFITABLE adv. not profitable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 466 words
  • Scrabble in French: 87 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 61 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 122 words

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